Collective Variables Module - Developer Documentation
No Matches
4// This code is mainly adapted from the PLUMED opes module, which uses the
5// LGPLv3 license as shown below:
6/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
7 Copyright (c) 2020-2021 of Michele Invernizzi.
9 This file is part of the OPES plumed module.
11 The OPES plumed module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
13 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14 (at your option) any later version.
16 The OPES plumed module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
21 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22 along with plumed. If not, see <>.
23+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
25#include "colvarbias.h"
27#include <vector>
28#include <memory>
30// OPES_METAD implementation: swiped from OPESmetad.cpp of PLUMED
34 struct kernel {
35 cvm::real m_height;
36 std::vector<cvm::real> m_center;
37 std::vector<cvm::real> m_sigma;
38 kernel() {}
39 kernel(cvm::real h, const std::vector<cvm::real>& c,
40 const std::vector<cvm::real>& s):
41 m_height(h), m_center(c), m_sigma(s) {}
42 };
49 };
51 colvarbias_opes(char const *key);
53 int init(std::string const &conf) override;
55 int update() override;
57 std::ostream &write_state_data(std::ostream &os) override;
59 std::istream &read_state_data(std::istream &is) override;
65 int write_output_files() override;
67 int update_opes();
68 int calculate_opes();
69 void save_state();
70 cvm::real getProbAndDerivatives(const std::vector<cvm::real>& cv, std::vector<cvm::real>& der_prob) const;
71 cvm::real evaluateKernel(const kernel& G, const std::vector<cvm::real>& x) const;
72 cvm::real evaluateKernel(const kernel& G, const std::vector<cvm::real>& x, std::vector<cvm::real>& accumulated_derivative, std::vector<cvm::real>& dist) const;
73 void addKernel(const double height, const std::vector<cvm::real>& center, const std::vector<cvm::real>& sigma, const double logweight);
74 void addKernel(const double height, const std::vector<cvm::real>& center, const std::vector<cvm::real>& sigma);
75 size_t getMergeableKernel(const std::vector<cvm::real>& giver_center, const size_t giver_k) const;
76 void mergeKernels(kernel& k1, const kernel& k2) const;
77 void updateNlist(const std::vector<cvm::real>& center);
78 struct traj_line {
79 double rct;
80 double zed;
81 double neff;
82 double work;
83 size_t nker;
84 size_t nlker;
85 size_t nlsteps;
86 };
87 void writeTrajBuffer();
88 void showInfo() const;
89 template <typename OST> OST &write_state_data_template_(OST &os) const;
90 template <typename IST> IST &read_state_data_template_(IST &os);
91 std::string const traj_file_name(const std::string& suffix) const;
92 int collectSampleToPMFGrid();
93 int computePMF();
94 int writePMF(const std::unique_ptr<colvar_grid_scalar>& pmf_grid, const std::string &filename, bool keep_open);
96 cvm::real m_kbt;
97 cvm::real m_barrier;
98 cvm::real m_biasfactor;
99 cvm::real m_bias_prefactor;
100 cvm::real m_temperature;
101 cvm::step_number m_pace;
102 cvm::step_number m_adaptive_sigma_stride;
103 cvm::step_number m_adaptive_counter;
104 unsigned long long m_counter;
105 cvm::real m_compression_threshold;
106 cvm::real m_compression_threshold2;
107 bool m_adaptive_sigma;
108 bool m_fixed_sigma;
109 bool m_no_zed;
110 // bool m_restart;
111 bool m_nlist;
112 bool m_recursive_merge;
113 std::vector<cvm::real> m_nlist_param;
114 std::vector<cvm::real> m_sigma0;
115 std::vector<cvm::real> m_sigma_min;
116 cvm::real m_epsilon;
117 cvm::real m_sum_weights;
118 cvm::real m_sum_weights2;
119 cvm::real m_cutoff;
120 cvm::real m_cutoff2;
121 cvm::real m_zed;
122 cvm::real m_old_kdenorm;
123 cvm::real m_kdenorm;
124 cvm::real m_val_at_cutoff;
125 cvm::real m_rct;
126 cvm::real m_neff;
127 std::vector<kernel> m_kernels;
128 std::vector<kernel> m_delta_kernels;
129 std::vector<cvm::real> m_av_cv;
130 std::vector<cvm::real> m_av_M2;
131 std::ostringstream m_kernels_output;
132 std::vector<cvm::real> m_nlist_center;
133 std::vector<size_t> m_nlist_index;
134 std::vector<cvm::real> m_nlist_dev2;
135 size_t m_nlist_steps;
136 bool m_nlist_update;
137 bool m_nlist_pace_reset;
138 size_t m_nker;
139 bool m_calc_work;
140 cvm::real m_work;
144 std::string replica_id;
145 size_t m_num_walkers;
146 size_t shared_freq;
147 size_t m_num_threads;
148 size_t m_nlker;
149 // size_t m_state_stride;
150 // std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> m_kernel_output_components;
151 std::string m_kernels_output_headers;
152 cvm::step_number m_traj_output_frequency;
153 traj_line m_traj_line;
154 std::ostringstream m_traj_oss;
155 bool m_is_first_step;
156 std::vector<cvm::real> m_cv;
157 // For saving states
158 decltype(m_zed) m_saved_zed;
159 decltype(m_sum_weights) m_saved_sum_weights;
160 decltype(m_sum_weights2) m_saved_sum_weights2;
161 decltype(m_kernels) m_saved_kernels;
162 // PMF grid from reweighting
163 bool m_pmf_grid_on;
164 std::vector<colvar*> m_pmf_cvs;
165 std::unique_ptr<colvar_grid_scalar> m_reweight_grid;
166 std::unique_ptr<colvar_grid_scalar> m_pmf_grid;
167 cvm::step_number m_pmf_hist_freq;
168 bool m_pmf_shared; // shared PMF among replicas
169 std::unique_ptr<colvar_grid_scalar> m_global_reweight_grid;
170 std::unique_ptr<colvar_grid_scalar> m_global_pmf_grid;
171 bool m_explore;
172 bool m_inf_biasfactor;
175#endif // COLVARBIAS_OPES_H
Definition: colvarbias_opes.h:31
int init(std::string const &conf) override
Definition: colvarbias_opes.cpp:62
std::istream & read_state_data(std::istream &is) override
Read the state from a text file for restarting.
Definition: colvarbias_opes.cpp:1418
std::string replica_id
Identifier for this replica.
Definition: colvarbias_opes.h:144
Communication comm
Communication between different replicas.
Definition: colvarbias_opes.h:142
int write_output_files() override
Write to files at restart steps.
Definition: colvarbias_opes.cpp:1700
Communication between different replicas.
Definition: colvarbias_opes.h:44
@ multiple_replicas
Hills added concurrently by several replicas.
Definition: colvarbias_opes.h:48
@ single_replica
One replica (default)
Definition: colvarbias_opes.h:46
int update() override
Per-timestep update.
Definition: colvarbias_opes.cpp:1138
std::ostream & write_state_data(std::ostream &os) override
Save the state to a text file for restarting.
Definition: colvarbias_opes.cpp:1262
Collective variable bias, base class.
Definition: colvarbias.h:23
double real
Defining an abstract real number allows to switch precision.
Definition: colvarmodule.h:100
long long step_number
Use a 64-bit integer to store the step number.
Definition: colvarmodule.h:97
Definition: colvars_memstream.h:30
The Gaussian kernel data structure.
Definition: colvarbias_opes.h:34
Definition: colvarbias_opes.h:78