Collective Variables Module - Developer Documentation
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colvarmodule Class Reference

Collective variables module (main class) More...

#include <colvarmodule.h>

Collaboration diagram for colvarmodule:
Collaboration graph


class  atom
 Stores numeric id, mass and all mutable data for an atom, mostly used by a colvar::cvc. More...
class  atom_group
 Group of atom objects, mostly used by a colvar::cvc object to gather all atomic data. More...
class  matrix2d
 Arbitrary size array (two dimensions) suitable for linear algebra operations (i.e. for floating point numbers it can be used with library functions) More...
class  quaternion
 1-dimensional vector of real numbers with four components and a quaternion algebra More...
class  rmatrix
 2-dimensional array of real numbers with three components along each dimension (works with colvarmodule::rvector) More...
class  rotation
 A rotation between two sets of coordinates (for the moment a wrapper for colvarmodule::quaternion) More...
class  rvector
 vector of real numbers with three components More...
class  usage
 Track usage of Colvars features. More...
class  vector1d
 Arbitrary size array (one dimensions) suitable for linear algebra operations (i.e. for floating point numbers it can be used with library functions) More...

Public Types

typedef long long step_number
 Use a 64-bit integer to store the step number.
typedef double real
 Defining an abstract real number allows to switch precision.
typedef int residue_id
 Residue identifier.
typedef rvector atom_pos
 Atom position (different type name from rvector, to make possible future PBC-transparent implementations)
typedef std::vector< atom >::iterator atom_iter
typedef std::vector< atom >::const_iterator atom_const_iter

Public Member Functions

std::string version () const
 Get the version string (YYYY-MM-DD format)
int version_number () const
 Get the version number (higher = more recent)
int patch_version_number () const
 Get the patch version number (non-zero in patch releases of other packages)
void register_named_atom_group (atom_group *ag)
 Register a named atom group into named_atom_groups.
void unregister_named_atom_group (atom_group *ag)
 Remove a named atom group from named_atom_groups.
std::vector< colvar * > * variables ()
 Array of collective variables.
std::vector< colvar * > * variables_active ()
 Collective variables with the active flag on.
std::vector< colvar * > * variables_active_smp ()
std::vector< int > * variables_active_smp_items ()
 Indexes of the items to calculate for each colvar.
std::vector< colvarbias * > * biases_active ()
 Array of active collective variable biases.
size_t size () const
 How many objects (variables and biases) are configured yet?
 colvarmodule (colvarproxy *proxy)
 ~colvarmodule ()
void set_initial_step (step_number it)
 Set the initial step number (it is 0 otherwise); may be overridden when reading a state.
int reset ()
 Actual function called by the destructor.
int read_config_file (char const *config_file_name)
int read_config_string (std::string const &conf)
 Parse a config string assuming it is a complete configuration (i.e. calling all parse functions)
int parse_config (std::string &conf)
 Parse a "clean" config string (no comments)
std::string const & get_config () const
 Get the configuration string read so far (includes comments)
int parse_global_params (std::string const &conf)
 Parse the few module's global parameters.
int parse_colvars (std::string const &conf)
 Parse and initialize collective variables.
int run_tcl_script (std::string const &filename)
 Run provided Tcl script.
int parse_biases (std::string const &conf)
 Parse and initialize collective variable biases. More...
int append_new_config (std::string const &conf)
 Add new configuration during parsing (e.g. to implement back-compatibility); cannot be nested, i.e. conf should not contain anything that triggers another call.
void config_changed ()
 Signals to the module object that the configuration has changed.
size_t num_variables () const
 Return how many variables are defined.
size_t num_variables_feature (int feature_id) const
 Return how many variables have this feature enabled.
size_t num_biases () const
 Return how many biases are defined.
size_t num_biases_feature (int feature_id) const
 Return how many biases have this feature enabled.
size_t num_biases_type (std::string const &type) const
 Return how many biases of this type are defined.
std::vector< std::string > const time_dependent_biases () const
int update_engine_parameters ()
int setup_input ()
 (Re)initialize and (re)read the input state file calling read_restart()
int setup_output ()
 (Re)initialize the output trajectory and state file (does not write it yet)
std::istream & read_state (std::istream &is)
 Read all objects' state fron a formatted (text) stream.
memory_stream & read_state (memory_stream &is)
 Read all objects' state fron an unformatted (binary) stream.
int set_input_state_buffer (size_t n, unsigned char *buf)
 Set an internal state buffer, to be read later as an unformatted stream when ready.
int set_input_state_buffer (std::vector< unsigned char > &buf)
 Same as set_input_state_buffer() for C array, but uses std::move.
std::istream & read_objects_state (std::istream &is)
 Read the states of individual objects; allows for changes.
memory_stream & read_objects_state (memory_stream &is)
 Read the states of individual objects; allows for changes.
int print_total_forces_errning (bool warn_total_forces)
 If needed (old restart file), print the warning that cannot be ignored.
std::ostream & write_state (std::ostream &os)
 Write the state of the module to a formatted (text) file.
memory_stream & write_state (memory_stream &os)
 Write the state of the module to an unformatted (binary) file.
int write_state_buffer (std::vector< unsigned char > &buffer)
 Write the state of the module to an array of bytes (wrapped as a memory_stream object)
int open_traj_file (std::string const &file_name)
 Open a trajectory file if requested (and leave it open)
int close_traj_file ()
 Close it (note: currently unused)
std::ostream & write_traj (std::ostream &os)
 Write in the trajectory file.
std::ostream & write_traj_label (std::ostream &os)
 Write explanatory labels in the trajectory file.
int write_traj_files ()
 Write all trajectory files.
int write_restart_file (std::string const &out_name)
 Write a state file useful to resume the simulation.
int write_output_files ()
 Write all other output files.
int write_restart_string (std::string &output)
 Write the state into a string.
int change_configuration (std::string const &bias_name, std::string const &conf)
std::string read_colvar (std::string const &name)
 Read a colvar value.
real energy_difference (std::string const &bias_name, std::string const &conf)
int calc ()
 Main worker function.
int calc_colvars ()
 Calculate collective variables.
int calc_biases ()
 Calculate biases.
int update_colvar_forces ()
 Integrate bias and restraint forces, send colvar forces to atoms.
int analyze ()
 Perform analysis.
int end_of_step ()
 Carry out operations needed before next step is run.
int read_traj (char const *traj_filename, long traj_read_begin, long traj_read_end)
 Read a collective variable trajectory (post-processing only, not called at runtime)
int cite_feature (std::string const &feature)
 Track usage of the given Colvars feature.
std::string feature_report (int flag=0)
 Report usage of the Colvars features.
int read_index_file (char const *filename)
 Read a Gromacs .ndx file.
int reset_index_groups ()
 Clear the index groups loaded so far.
int load_coords_xyz (char const *filename, std::vector< rvector > *pos, atom_group *atoms, bool keep_open=false)
 Load coordinates into an atom group from an XYZ file (assumes Angstroms)
std::string restart_version () const
 Version of the most recent state file read.
int restart_version_number () const
 Integer version of the most recent state file read.
int calc_scripted_forces ()
 Calculate the energy and forces of scripted biases.

Static Public Member Functions

static real integer_power (real const &x, int const n)
 Override the STL pow() with a product for n integer.
static real pow (real const &x, real const &y)
 Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real floor (real const &x)
 Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real fabs (real const &x)
 Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real sqrt (real const &x)
 Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real sin (real const &x)
 Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real cos (real const &x)
 Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real asin (real const &x)
 Reimplemented to work around compiler issues; return hard-coded values for boundary conditions.
static real acos (real const &x)
 Reimplemented to work around compiler issues; return hard-coded values for boundary conditions.
static real atan2 (real const &x, real const &y)
 Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real exp (real const &x)
 Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real logn (real const &x)
static void set_error_bits (int code)
static bool get_error_bit (int code)
static int get_error ()
static void clear_error ()
static step_number step_relative ()
 Return the current step number from the beginning of this run.
static step_number step_absolute ()
static std::string & output_prefix ()
 Accessor for the above.
static bool debug ()
 Whether debug output should be enabled (compile-time option)
static std::istream & getline (std::istream &is, std::string &line)
static std::string state_file_prefix (char const *filename)
 Strips .colvars.state from filename and checks that it is not empty.
static int backup_file (char const *filename)
 Backup a file before writing it.
static colvarbiasbias_by_name (std::string const &name)
 Look up a bias by name; returns NULL if not found.
static colvarcolvar_by_name (std::string const &name)
 Look up a colvar by name; returns NULL if not found.
static atom_groupatom_group_by_name (std::string const &name)
 Look up a named atom group by name; returns NULL if not found.
static std::string to_str (char const *s)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (std::string const &s)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (bool x)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (int const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (size_t const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (long int const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (step_number const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (real const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (rvector const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (quaternion const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (colvarvalue const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (vector1d< real > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (matrix2d< real > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (std::vector< int > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (std::vector< size_t > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (std::vector< long int > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (std::vector< real > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (std::vector< rvector > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (std::vector< quaternion > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (std::vector< colvarvalue > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string to_str (std::vector< std::string > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0)
 Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string wrap_string (std::string const &s, size_t nchars)
 Reduce the number of characters in a string.
static real dt ()
 Time step of MD integrator (fs)
static void request_total_force ()
 Request calculation of total force from MD engine.
static void log (std::string const &message, int min_log_level=10)
static int error (std::string const &message, int code=-1)
 Print a message to the main log and set global error code.
static int log_level ()
 Level of logging requested by the user.
static int log_init_messages ()
 Level at which initialization messages are logged.
static int log_user_params ()
 Level at which a keyword's user-provided value is logged.
static int log_default_params ()
 Level at which a keyword's default value is logged.
static int log_output_files ()
 Level at which output-file operations are logged.
static int log_input_files ()
 Level at which input-file operations (configuration, state) are logged.
static rvector position_distance (atom_pos const &pos1, atom_pos const &pos2)
 Get the distance between two atomic positions with pbcs handled correctly.
static int load_coords (char const *filename, std::vector< rvector > *pos, atom_group *atoms, std::string const &pdb_field, double pdb_field_value=0.0)
 Load coordinates for a group of atoms from a file (PDB or XYZ); if "pos" is already allocated, the number of its elements must match the number of entries in "filename". More...
static real rand_gaussian ()
 Pseudo-random number with Gaussian distribution.
static size_t & depth ()
 Get the current object depth in the hierarchy.
static void increase_depth ()
 Increase the depth (number of indentations in the output)
static void decrease_depth ()
 Decrease the depth (number of indentations in the output)
static bool scripted_forces ()
static colvarmodulemain ()
 Access the one instance of the Colvars module.

Public Attributes

bool binary_restart
std::vector< colvarbias * > biases
 Array of collective variable biases.
real total_bias_energy
 Energy of built-in and scripted biases, summed per time-step.
std::vector< std::string > index_file_names
 Names of .ndx files that have been loaded.
std::vector< std::string > index_group_names
 Names of groups from one or more Gromacs .ndx files.
std::vector< std::vector< int > * > index_groups
 Groups from one or more Gromacs .ndx files.
std::string restart_out_name
 Output restart file name.

Static Public Attributes

static step_number it = 0
 Current step number.
static step_number it_restart = 0
 Starting step number for this run.
static real debug_gradients_step_size = 1.0e-07
 Finite difference step size (if there is no dynamics, or if gradients need to be tested independently from the size of dt)
static size_t const it_width = 12
 Number of characters to represent a time step.
static size_t const cv_prec = 14
 Number of digits to represent a collective variables value(s)
static size_t const cv_width = 21
 Number of characters to represent a collective variables value(s)
static size_t const en_prec = 14
 Number of digits to represent the collective variables energy.
static size_t const en_width = 21
 Number of characters to represent the collective variables energy.
static const char *const line_marker
 Line separator in the log output. More...
static size_t cv_traj_freq = 0
 Frequency for collective variables trajectory output.
static size_t restart_out_freq = 0
 Frequency for saving output restarts.
static bool use_scripted_forces = false
 Use scripted colvars forces?
static bool scripting_after_biases = true
 Wait for all biases before calculating scripted forces?
static colvarproxyproxy = NULL
 Pointer to the proxy object, used to retrieve atomic data from the hosting program; it is static in order to be accessible from static functions in the colvarmodule class.

Protected Attributes

 Configuration file parser object.
std::string cv_traj_name
 Name of the trajectory file.
bool cv_traj_write_labels
 Write labels at the next iteration.
std::string restart_version_str
 Version of the most recent state file read.
int restart_version_int
 Integer version of the most recent state file read.
size_t depth_s
 Counter for the current depth in the object hierarchy (useg e.g. in output)
std::vector< size_t > depth_v
 Thread-specific depth.
int xyz_reader_use_count
 Track how many times the XYZ reader has been used.
 Track usage of Colvars features.

Private Member Functions

 colvarmodule ()
 Cannot initialize the main object without a proxy.
template<class bias_type >
int parse_biases_type (std::string const &conf, char const *keyword)
 Parse and initialize collective variable biases of a specific type.
bool check_new_bias (std::string &conf, char const *key)
int catch_input_errors (int result)
 Useful wrapper to interrupt parsing if any error occurs.
template<typename IST >
IST & read_state_template_ (IST &is)
template<typename OST >
OST & write_state_template_ (OST &os)

Private Attributes

int version_int = 0
 Integer representing the version string (allows comparisons)
int patch_version_int = 0
 Patch version number (non-zero in patch releases of other packages)
std::string cvm_output_prefix
 Prefix for all output files for this run.
std::vector< colvar * > colvars
 Array of collective variables.
std::vector< colvar * > colvars_active
 Array of collective variables.
std::vector< colvar * > colvars_smp
std::vector< int > colvars_smp_items
 Indexes of the items to calculate for each colvar.
std::vector< atom_group * > named_atom_groups
 Array of named atom groups.
void * num_biases_types_used_
 Pointer to a map counting how many biases of each type were used.
std::vector< colvarbias * > biases_active_
 Array of active collective variable biases.
std::string config_string
 Configuration string read so far by the module (includes comments)
std::string extra_conf
std::string source_Tcl_script
 Initialization Tcl script, user-provided.
std::string default_input_state_file_
 Default input state file; if given, it is read unless the MD engine provides it.
std::vector< unsigned char > input_state_buffer_
 Internal state buffer, to be read as an unformatted stream.

Static Private Attributes

static int errorCode = 0
static int log_level_ = 10
 Level of logging requested by the user.

Detailed Description

Collective variables module (main class)

Class to control the collective variables calculation. An object (usually one) of this class is spawned from the MD program, containing all i/o routines and general interface.

At initialization, the colvarmodule object creates a proxy object to provide a transparent interface between the MD program and the child objects

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ colvarmodule()

colvarmodule::colvarmodule ( colvarproxy proxy)


Pointerto instance of the proxy class (communicate with engine)

Member Function Documentation

◆ change_configuration()

int colvarmodule::change_configuration ( std::string const &  bias_name,
std::string const &  conf 

Load new configuration for the given bias - currently works for harmonic (force constant and/or centers)

◆ check_new_bias()

bool colvarmodule::check_new_bias ( std::string &  conf,
char const *  key 

Test error condition and keyword parsing on error, delete new bias

◆ energy_difference()

cvm::real colvarmodule::energy_difference ( std::string const &  bias_name,
std::string const &  conf 

Calculate change in energy from using alt. config. for the given bias - currently works for harmonic (force constant and/or centers)

◆ getline()

std::istream & colvarmodule::getline ( std::istream &  is,
std::string &  line 

Allow reading from Windows text files using using std::getline (which can still be used when the text is produced by Colvars itself)

◆ load_coords()

static int colvarmodule::load_coords ( char const *  filename,
std::vector< rvector > *  pos,
atom_group atoms,
std::string const &  pdb_field,
double  pdb_field_value = 0.0 

Load coordinates for a group of atoms from a file (PDB or XYZ); if "pos" is already allocated, the number of its elements must match the number of entries in "filename".

filenamename of the file
posarray of coordinates
atomsgroup containing the atoms (used to obtain internal IDs)
pdb_field(optional) if the file is a PDB and this string is non-empty, select atoms for which this field is non-zero
pdb_field_value(optional) if non-zero, select only atoms whose pdb_field equals this

◆ log()

void colvarmodule::log ( std::string const &  message,
int  min_log_level = 10 

Print a message to the main log

messageMessage to print
min_log_levelOnly print if cvm::log_level() >= min_log_level

◆ logn()

static real colvarmodule::logn ( real const &  x)

Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues. Note: log() is currently defined as the text logging function, but this can be changed at a later time

◆ parse_biases()

int colvarmodule::parse_biases ( std::string const &  conf)

Parse and initialize collective variable biases.

initialize ABF instances

initialize ABMD instances

initialize adaptive linear biases

initialize harmonic restraints

initialize harmonic walls restraints

initialize histograms

initialize histogram restraints

initialize linear restraints

initialize metadynamics instances

initialize reweightaMD instances

initialize OPES instances

◆ read_config_file()

int colvarmodule::read_config_file ( char const *  config_file_name)

Open a config file, load its contents, and pass it to config_string()

config_file_nameConfiguration file name

◆ step_absolute()

static step_number colvarmodule::step_absolute ( )

Return the current step number from the beginning of the whole calculation

◆ time_dependent_biases()

std::vector< std::string > const colvarmodule::time_dependent_biases ( ) const

Return the names of time-dependent biases with forces enabled (ABF, metadynamics, etc)

◆ update_engine_parameters()

int colvarmodule::update_engine_parameters ( )

(Re)initialize any internal data affected by changes in the engine Also calls setup() member functions of colvars and biases

◆ variables_active_smp()

std::vector< colvar * > * colvarmodule::variables_active_smp ( )

Collective variables to be calculated on different threads; colvars with multple items (e.g. multiple active CVCs) are duplicated

Member Data Documentation

◆ colvars_smp

std::vector<colvar *> colvarmodule::colvars_smp

Collective variables to be calculated on different threads; colvars with multple items (e.g. multiple active CVCs) are duplicated

◆ errorCode

int colvarmodule::errorCode = 0

Module-wide error state see constants at the top of this file

◆ extra_conf

std::string colvarmodule::extra_conf

Auto-generated configuration during parsing (e.g. to implement back-compatibility)

◆ line_marker

const char *const colvarmodule::line_marker
Initial value:
= (const char *)

Line separator in the log output.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: