std::string | version () const |
| Get the version string (YYYY-MM-DD format)
int | version_number () const |
| Get the version number (higher = more recent)
int | patch_version_number () const |
| Get the patch version number (non-zero in patch releases of other packages)
void | register_named_atom_group (atom_group *ag) |
| Register a named atom group into named_atom_groups.
void | unregister_named_atom_group (atom_group *ag) |
| Remove a named atom group from named_atom_groups.
std::vector< colvar * > * | variables () |
| Array of collective variables.
std::vector< colvar * > * | variables_active () |
| Collective variables with the active flag on.
std::vector< colvar * > * | variables_active_smp () |
std::vector< int > * | variables_active_smp_items () |
| Indexes of the items to calculate for each colvar.
std::vector< colvarbias * > * | biases_active () |
| Array of active collective variable biases.
size_t | size () const |
| How many objects (variables and biases) are configured yet?
| colvarmodule (colvarproxy *proxy) |
| ~colvarmodule () |
| Destructor.
void | set_initial_step (step_number it) |
| Set the initial step number (it is 0 otherwise); may be overridden when reading a state.
int | reset () |
| Actual function called by the destructor.
int | read_config_file (char const *config_file_name) |
int | read_config_string (std::string const &conf) |
| Parse a config string assuming it is a complete configuration (i.e. calling all parse functions)
int | parse_config (std::string &conf) |
| Parse a "clean" config string (no comments)
std::string const & | get_config () const |
| Get the configuration string read so far (includes comments)
int | parse_global_params (std::string const &conf) |
| Parse the few module's global parameters.
int | parse_colvars (std::string const &conf) |
| Parse and initialize collective variables.
int | run_tcl_script (std::string const &filename) |
| Run provided Tcl script.
int | parse_biases (std::string const &conf) |
| Parse and initialize collective variable biases. More...
int | append_new_config (std::string const &conf) |
| Add new configuration during parsing (e.g. to implement back-compatibility); cannot be nested, i.e. conf should not contain anything that triggers another call.
void | config_changed () |
| Signals to the module object that the configuration has changed.
size_t | num_variables () const |
| Return how many variables are defined.
size_t | num_variables_feature (int feature_id) const |
| Return how many variables have this feature enabled.
size_t | num_biases () const |
| Return how many biases are defined.
size_t | num_biases_feature (int feature_id) const |
| Return how many biases have this feature enabled.
size_t | num_biases_type (std::string const &type) const |
| Return how many biases of this type are defined.
std::vector< std::string > const | time_dependent_biases () const |
int | update_engine_parameters () |
int | setup_input () |
| (Re)initialize and (re)read the input state file calling read_restart()
int | setup_output () |
| (Re)initialize the output trajectory and state file (does not write it yet)
std::istream & | read_state (std::istream &is) |
| Read all objects' state fron a formatted (text) stream.
memory_stream & | read_state (memory_stream &is) |
| Read all objects' state fron an unformatted (binary) stream.
int | set_input_state_buffer (size_t n, unsigned char *buf) |
| Set an internal state buffer, to be read later as an unformatted stream when ready.
int | set_input_state_buffer (std::vector< unsigned char > &buf) |
| Same as set_input_state_buffer() for C array, but uses std::move.
std::istream & | read_objects_state (std::istream &is) |
| Read the states of individual objects; allows for changes.
memory_stream & | read_objects_state (memory_stream &is) |
| Read the states of individual objects; allows for changes.
int | print_total_forces_errning (bool warn_total_forces) |
| If needed (old restart file), print the warning that cannot be ignored.
std::ostream & | write_state (std::ostream &os) |
| Write the state of the module to a formatted (text) file.
memory_stream & | write_state (memory_stream &os) |
| Write the state of the module to an unformatted (binary) file.
int | write_state_buffer (std::vector< unsigned char > &buffer) |
| Write the state of the module to an array of bytes (wrapped as a memory_stream object)
int | open_traj_file (std::string const &file_name) |
| Open a trajectory file if requested (and leave it open)
int | close_traj_file () |
| Close it (note: currently unused)
std::ostream & | write_traj (std::ostream &os) |
| Write in the trajectory file.
std::ostream & | write_traj_label (std::ostream &os) |
| Write explanatory labels in the trajectory file.
int | write_traj_files () |
| Write all trajectory files.
int | write_restart_file (std::string const &out_name) |
| Write a state file useful to resume the simulation.
int | write_output_files () |
| Write all other output files.
int | write_restart_string (std::string &output) |
| Write the state into a string.
int | change_configuration (std::string const &bias_name, std::string const &conf) |
std::string | read_colvar (std::string const &name) |
| Read a colvar value.
real | energy_difference (std::string const &bias_name, std::string const &conf) |
int | calc () |
| Main worker function.
int | calc_colvars () |
| Calculate collective variables.
int | calc_biases () |
| Calculate biases.
int | update_colvar_forces () |
| Integrate bias and restraint forces, send colvar forces to atoms.
int | analyze () |
| Perform analysis.
int | end_of_step () |
| Carry out operations needed before next step is run.
int | read_traj (char const *traj_filename, long traj_read_begin, long traj_read_end) |
| Read a collective variable trajectory (post-processing only, not called at runtime)
int | cite_feature (std::string const &feature) |
| Track usage of the given Colvars feature.
std::string | feature_report (int flag=0) |
| Report usage of the Colvars features.
int | read_index_file (char const *filename) |
| Read a Gromacs .ndx file.
int | reset_index_groups () |
| Clear the index groups loaded so far.
int | load_coords_xyz (char const *filename, std::vector< rvector > *pos, atom_group *atoms, bool keep_open=false) |
| Load coordinates into an atom group from an XYZ file (assumes Angstroms)
std::string | restart_version () const |
| Version of the most recent state file read.
int | restart_version_number () const |
| Integer version of the most recent state file read.
int | calc_scripted_forces () |
| Calculate the energy and forces of scripted biases.
static real | integer_power (real const &x, int const n) |
| Override the STL pow() with a product for n integer.
static real | pow (real const &x, real const &y) |
| Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real | floor (real const &x) |
| Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real | fabs (real const &x) |
| Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real | sqrt (real const &x) |
| Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real | sin (real const &x) |
| Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real | cos (real const &x) |
| Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real | asin (real const &x) |
| Reimplemented to work around compiler issues; return hard-coded values for boundary conditions.
static real | acos (real const &x) |
| Reimplemented to work around compiler issues; return hard-coded values for boundary conditions.
static real | atan2 (real const &x, real const &y) |
| Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real | exp (real const &x) |
| Reimplemented to work around MS compiler issues.
static real | logn (real const &x) |
static void | set_error_bits (int code) |
static bool | get_error_bit (int code) |
static int | get_error () |
static void | clear_error () |
static step_number | step_relative () |
| Return the current step number from the beginning of this run.
static step_number | step_absolute () |
static std::string & | output_prefix () |
| Accessor for the above.
static bool | debug () |
| Whether debug output should be enabled (compile-time option)
static std::istream & | getline (std::istream &is, std::string &line) |
static std::string | state_file_prefix (char const *filename) |
| Strips .colvars.state from filename and checks that it is not empty.
static int | backup_file (char const *filename) |
| Backup a file before writing it.
static colvarbias * | bias_by_name (std::string const &name) |
| Look up a bias by name; returns NULL if not found.
static colvar * | colvar_by_name (std::string const &name) |
| Look up a colvar by name; returns NULL if not found.
static atom_group * | atom_group_by_name (std::string const &name) |
| Look up a named atom group by name; returns NULL if not found.
static std::string | to_str (char const *s) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (std::string const &s) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (bool x) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (int const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (size_t const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (long int const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (step_number const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (real const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (rvector const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (quaternion const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (colvarvalue const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (vector1d< real > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (matrix2d< real > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (std::vector< int > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (std::vector< size_t > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (std::vector< long int > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (std::vector< real > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (std::vector< rvector > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (std::vector< quaternion > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (std::vector< colvarvalue > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | to_str (std::vector< std::string > const &x, size_t width=0, size_t prec=0) |
| Convert to string for output purposes.
static std::string | wrap_string (std::string const &s, size_t nchars) |
| Reduce the number of characters in a string.
static real | dt () |
| Time step of MD integrator (fs)
static void | request_total_force () |
| Request calculation of total force from MD engine.
static void | log (std::string const &message, int min_log_level=10) |
static int | error (std::string const &message, int code=-1) |
| Print a message to the main log and set global error code.
static int | log_level () |
| Level of logging requested by the user.
static int | log_init_messages () |
| Level at which initialization messages are logged.
static int | log_user_params () |
| Level at which a keyword's user-provided value is logged.
static int | log_default_params () |
| Level at which a keyword's default value is logged.
static int | log_output_files () |
| Level at which output-file operations are logged.
static int | log_input_files () |
| Level at which input-file operations (configuration, state) are logged.
static rvector | position_distance (atom_pos const &pos1, atom_pos const &pos2) |
| Get the distance between two atomic positions with pbcs handled correctly.
static int | load_coords (char const *filename, std::vector< rvector > *pos, atom_group *atoms, std::string const &pdb_field, double pdb_field_value=0.0) |
| Load coordinates for a group of atoms from a file (PDB or XYZ); if "pos" is already allocated, the number of its elements must match the number of entries in "filename". More...
static real | rand_gaussian () |
| Pseudo-random number with Gaussian distribution.
static size_t & | depth () |
| Get the current object depth in the hierarchy.
static void | increase_depth () |
| Increase the depth (number of indentations in the output)
static void | decrease_depth () |
| Decrease the depth (number of indentations in the output)
static bool | scripted_forces () |
static colvarmodule * | main () |
| Access the one instance of the Colvars module.
Collective variables module (main class)
Class to control the collective variables calculation. An object (usually one) of this class is spawned from the MD program, containing all i/o routines and general interface.
At initialization, the colvarmodule object creates a proxy object to provide a transparent interface between the MD program and the child objects