Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼ gromacs | |
▼ src | |
colvarproxy_gromacs_version.h | |
▼ lammps | |
▼ src | |
colvarproxy_lammps.h | |
colvarproxy_lammps_version.h | |
fix_colvars.h | |
inthash.h | |
▼ namd | |
▼ src | |
colvarproxy_namd.h | |
colvarproxy_namd_version.h | |
▼ src | |
colvar.h | |
colvar_arithmeticpath.h | |
colvar_geometricpath.h | |
colvar_neuralnetworkcompute.h | |
colvar_rotation_derivative.h | |
colvar_UIestimator.h | |
colvaratoms.h | |
colvarbias.h | |
colvarbias_abf.h | |
colvarbias_abmd.h | |
colvarbias_alb.h | |
colvarbias_histogram.h | |
colvarbias_histogram_reweight_amd.h | |
colvarbias_meta.h | |
colvarbias_opes.h | |
colvarbias_restraint.h | |
colvarcomp.h | |
colvarcomp_torchann.h | |
colvardeps.h | |
colvargrid.h | |
colvargrid_def.h | |
colvarmodule.h | Collective variables main module |
colvarmodule_refs.h | |
colvarmodule_utils.h | |
colvarparams.h | Functions to handle scalar parameters used in objects |
colvarparse.h | Parsing functions for collective variables |
colvarproxy.h | Colvars proxy classes |
colvarproxy_io.h | |
colvarproxy_replicas.h | |
colvarproxy_system.h | |
colvarproxy_tcl.h | |
colvarproxy_volmaps.h | |
colvars_memstream.h | |
colvars_version.h | |
colvarscript.h | |
colvarscript_commands.h | |
colvarscript_commands_bias.h | |
colvarscript_commands_colvar.h | |
colvartypes.h | |
colvarvalue.h | |
nr_jacobi.h | |
▼ vmd | |
▼ src | |
colvarproxy_vmd.h | |
colvarproxy_vmd_version.h | |