| colvarbias_meta (char const *key) |
virtual int | init (std::string const &conf) |
| Parse config string and (re)initialize. More...
virtual int | init_replicas_params (std::string const &conf) |
virtual int | init_well_tempered_params (std::string const &conf) |
virtual int | init_ebmeta_params (std::string const &conf) |
virtual int | clear_state_data () |
| Delete only the allocatable data (save memory) More...
virtual int | update () |
virtual int | update_grid_params () |
virtual int | update_bias () |
virtual int | update_grid_data () |
virtual int | replica_share () |
virtual size_t | replica_share_freq () const |
| Report the frequency at which this bias needs to communicate with replicas. More...
virtual int | calc_energy (std::vector< colvarvalue > const *values) |
virtual int | calc_forces (std::vector< colvarvalue > const *values) |
virtual std::string const | get_state_params () const |
| Write the values of specific mutable properties to a string. More...
virtual int | set_state_params (std::string const &state_conf) |
| Read the values of specific mutable properties from a string. More...
virtual std::ostream & | write_state_data (std::ostream &os) |
| Write all mutable data not already written by get_state_params() to a formatted stream. More...
virtual cvm::memory_stream & | write_state_data (cvm::memory_stream &os) |
| Write all mutable data not already written by get_state_params() to an unformatted stream. More...
virtual std::istream & | read_state_data (std::istream &is) |
| Read all mutable data not already set by set_state_params() from a formatted stream. More...
virtual cvm::memory_stream & | read_state_data (cvm::memory_stream &is) |
| Read all mutable data not already set by set_state_params() from an unformatted stream. More...
void | rebin_grids_after_restart () |
| Function called by read_state_data() to execute rebinning (if requested)
virtual int | setup_output () |
| (Re)initialize the output files (does not write them yet) More...
virtual int | write_output_files () |
| Write any output files that this bias may have (e.g. PMF files) More...
virtual void | write_pmf () |
virtual int | write_state_to_replicas () |
| If this bias is communicating with other replicas through files, send it to them. More...
int | add_colvar (std::string const &cv_name) |
| Add a new collective variable to this bias.
size_t | num_variables () const |
| How many variables are defined for this bias.
std::vector< colvar * > * | variables () |
| Access the variables vector.
colvar * | variables (int i) const |
| Access the i-th variable.
virtual int | update () |
virtual bool | can_accumulate_data () |
virtual int | calc_energy (std::vector< colvarvalue > const *values) |
virtual int | calc_forces (std::vector< colvarvalue > const *values) |
int | communicate_forces () |
| Send forces to the collective variables.
virtual int | end_of_step () |
| Carry out operations needed before next step is run.
virtual int | change_configuration (std::string const &conf) |
| Load new configuration - force constant and/or centers only. More...
virtual cvm::real | energy_difference (std::string const &conf) |
| Calculate change in energy from using alternate configuration. More...
virtual int | bin_num () |
| Give the total number of bins for a given bias. More...
virtual int | current_bin () |
| Calculate the bin index for a given bias. More...
virtual int | bin_count (int bin_index) |
virtual int | local_sample_count (int radius) |
| Return the average number of samples in a given "radius" around current bin. More...
virtual int | replica_share () |
virtual size_t | replica_share_freq () const |
| Report the frequency at which this bias needs to communicate with replicas. More...
virtual void | analyze () |
| Perform analysis tasks.
| colvarbias (char const *key) |
| Constructor.
virtual int | init (std::string const &conf) |
| Parse config string and (re)initialize. More...
virtual int | init_dependencies () |
| Initialize dependency tree. More...
virtual int | reset () |
| Set to zero all mutable data.
virtual int | clear () |
| Delete everything.
virtual int | clear_state_data () |
| Delete only the allocatable data (save memory) More...
virtual | ~colvarbias () |
| Destructor.
virtual std::string const | get_state_params () const |
| Write the values of specific mutable properties to a string. More...
int | check_matching_state (std::string const &conf) |
| Check the name of the bias vs. the given string, set the matching_state flag accordingly.
virtual int | set_state_params (std::string const &state_conf) |
| Read the values of specific mutable properties from a string. More...
virtual std::ostream & | write_state_data (std::ostream &os) |
| Write all mutable data not already written by get_state_params() to a formatted stream. More...
virtual cvm::memory_stream & | write_state_data (cvm::memory_stream &os) |
| Write all mutable data not already written by get_state_params() to an unformatted stream. More...
virtual std::istream & | read_state_data (std::istream &is) |
| Read all mutable data not already set by set_state_params() from a formatted stream. More...
virtual cvm::memory_stream & | read_state_data (cvm::memory_stream &is) |
| Read all mutable data not already set by set_state_params() from an unformatted stream. More...
std::ostream & | write_state_data_key (std::ostream &os, std::string const &key, bool header=true) const |
cvm::memory_stream & | write_state_data_key (cvm::memory_stream &os, std::string const &key, bool header=true) const |
std::istream & | read_state_data_key (std::istream &is, std::string const &key) |
cvm::memory_stream & | read_state_data_key (cvm::memory_stream &is, std::string const &key) |
std::ostream & | write_state (std::ostream &os) |
| Write the bias configuration to a formatted stream.
cvm::memory_stream & | write_state (cvm::memory_stream &os) |
| Write the bias configuration to an unformatted stream.
std::istream & | read_state (std::istream &is) |
| Read the bias configuration from a formatted stream.
cvm::memory_stream & | read_state (cvm::memory_stream &is) |
| Read the bias configuration from an unformatted stream.
int | write_state_prefix (std::string const &prefix) |
| Write the bias state to a file with the given prefix.
int | write_state_string (std::string &output) |
| Write the bias state to a string.
int | read_state_prefix (std::string const &prefix) |
| Read the bias state from a file with this name or prefix.
int | read_state_string (char const *buffer) |
| Read the bias state from this string buffer.
virtual std::ostream & | write_traj_label (std::ostream &os) |
| Write a label to the trajectory file (comment line) More...
virtual std::ostream & | write_traj (std::ostream &os) |
| Output quantities such as the bias energy to the trajectory file. More...
virtual int | setup_output () |
| (Re)initialize the output files (does not write them yet) More...
virtual int | write_output_files () |
| Write any output files that this bias may have (e.g. PMF files) More...
virtual int | write_state_to_replicas () |
| If this bias is communicating with other replicas through files, send it to them. More...
cvm::real | get_energy () |
virtual const std::vector< feature * > & | features () const |
| Implementation of the feature list accessor for colvarbias. More...
virtual std::vector< feature * > & | modify_features () |
| colvarparse () |
| Default constructor.
| colvarparse (const std::string &conf) |
| Constructor that stores the object's config string.
void | clear () |
| Set the object ready to parse a new configuration string.
void | set_string (std::string const &conf) |
| Set a new config string for this object.
| ~colvarparse () override |
| Default destructor.
std::string const & | get_config () const |
| Get the configuration string (includes comments)
int | check_keywords (std::string &conf, char const *key) |
| Check that all the keywords within "conf" are in the list of allowed keywords; this will invoke strip_values() first and then loop over all words.
void | clear_keyword_registry () |
| Use this after parsing a config string (note that check_keywords() calls it already)
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, int &value, int const &def_value=0, Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, size_t &value, size_t const &def_value=0, Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, long &value, long const &def_value=0, Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, cvm::step_number &value, cvm::step_number const &def_value=0, Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::string &value, std::string const &def_value=std::string(""), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, cvm::real &value, cvm::real const &def_value=0.0, Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, cvm::rvector &value, cvm::rvector const &def_value=cvm::rvector(), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, cvm::quaternion &value, cvm::quaternion const &def_value=cvm::quaternion(), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, colvarvalue &value, colvarvalue const &def_value=colvarvalue(colvarvalue::type_notset), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, bool &value, bool const &def_value=false, Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< int > &values, std::vector< int > const &def_values=std::vector< int >(0, 0), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< size_t > &values, std::vector< size_t > const &def_values=std::vector< size_t >(0, 0), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< long > &values, std::vector< long > const &def_values=std::vector< long >(0, 0), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< std::string > &values, std::vector< std::string > const &def_values=std::vector< std::string >(0, std::string("")), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< cvm::real > &values, std::vector< cvm::real > const &def_values=std::vector< cvm::real >(0, 0.0), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< cvm::rvector > &values, std::vector< cvm::rvector > const &def_values=std::vector< cvm::rvector >(0, cvm::rvector()), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< cvm::quaternion > &values, std::vector< cvm::quaternion > const &def_values=std::vector< cvm::quaternion >(0, cvm::quaternion()), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< colvarvalue > &values, std::vector< colvarvalue > const &def_values=std::vector< colvarvalue >(0, colvarvalue(colvarvalue::type_notset)), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal) |
bool | key_lookup (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::string *data=nullptr, size_t *save_pos=nullptr) |
| Low-level function for parsing configuration strings; automatically adds the requested keyword to the list of valid ones. More...
std::istream & | read_config_line (std::istream &is, std::string &line) |
| Reads a configuration line, adds it to config_string, and returns the stream. More...
template<> |
int | _get_keyval_scalar_value_ (std::string const &key_str, std::string const &data, bool &value, bool const &) |
template<> |
int | _get_keyval_scalar_novalue_ (std::string const &key_str, bool &value, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode) |
int | param_exists (std::string const ¶m_name) |
| Whether the parameter param_name exists.
virtual std::vector< std::string > | get_param_names () |
| Get a copy of the names of registered parameters.
virtual std::vector< std::string > | get_param_grad_names () |
| Get a copy of the names of registered parameter gradients.
virtual void const * | get_param_ptr (std::string const ¶m_name) |
| Pointer to the parameter param_name.
virtual void const * | get_param_grad_ptr (std::string const ¶m_name) |
| Pointer to the gradient of parameter param_name.
virtual cvm::real | get_param (std::string const ¶m_name) |
| Value of the parameter param_name (must be a scalar)
virtual int | set_param (std::string const ¶m_name, void const *new_value) |
| Set the named parameter to the given value. More...
int | get_time_step_factor () const |
| returns time_step_factor
void | init_feature (int feature_id, const char *description, feature_type type) |
| Pair a numerical feature ID with a description and type.
bool | is_not_set (int id) |
bool | is_dynamic (int id) |
bool | is_static (int id) |
bool | is_user (int id) |
virtual const std::vector< feature * > & | features () const =0 |
virtual std::vector< feature * > & | modify_features ()=0 |
void | add_child (colvardeps *child) |
void | remove_child (colvardeps *child) |
void | remove_all_children () |
bool | is_enabled (int f=f_cv_active) const |
bool | is_available (int f=f_cv_active) const |
void | provide (int feature_id, bool truefalse=true) |
void | set_enabled (int feature_id, bool truefalse=true) |
| Enable or disable, depending on flag value.
int | enable (int f, bool dry_run=false, bool toplevel=true, bool error=false) |
int | disable (int f) |
void | free_children_deps () |
void | restore_children_deps () |
| re-enable children features (to be used when object becomes active)
int | decr_ref_count (int f) |
virtual void | do_feature_side_effects (int) |
virtual int | init_dependencies ()=0 |
| Initialize dependency tree for object of a derived class. More...
void | require_feature_self (int f, int g) |
| Make feature f require feature g within the same object.
void | exclude_feature_self (int f, int g) |
| Make features f and g mutually exclusive within the same object.
void | require_feature_children (int f, int g) |
| Make feature f require feature g within children.
void | require_feature_alt (int f, int g, int h) |
| Make feature f require either g or h within the same object.
void | require_feature_alt (int f, int g, int h, int i) |
| Make feature f require any of g, h, or i within the same object.
void | require_feature_alt (int f, int g, int h, int i, int j) |
| Make feature f require any of g, h, i, or j within the same object.
void | print_state () |
| print all enabled features and those of children, for debugging
void | check_enabled (int f, std::string const &reason) const |
| Check that a feature is enabled, raising COLVARS_BUG_ERROR if not.
| colvarbias_ti (char const *key) |
virtual int | init (std::string const &conf) |
| Parse config string and (re)initialize. More...
virtual int | init_grids () |
virtual int | update () |
virtual int | update_system_forces (std::vector< colvarvalue > const *subtract_forces) |
virtual std::string const | get_state_params () const |
| Write the values of specific mutable properties to a string. More...
virtual int | set_state_params (std::string const &state_conf) |
| Read the values of specific mutable properties from a string. More...
virtual std::ostream & | write_state_data (std::ostream &os) |
| Write all mutable data not already written by get_state_params() to a formatted stream. More...
virtual cvm::memory_stream & | write_state_data (cvm::memory_stream &os) |
| Write all mutable data not already written by get_state_params() to an unformatted stream. More...
virtual std::istream & | read_state_data (std::istream &is) |
| Read all mutable data not already set by set_state_params() from a formatted stream. More...
virtual cvm::memory_stream & | read_state_data (cvm::memory_stream &is) |
| Read all mutable data not already set by set_state_params() from an unformatted stream. More...
virtual int | write_output_files () |
| Write any output files that this bias may have (e.g. PMF files) More...
std::string const | hills_traj_file_name () const |
| Name of the hill logfile.
void | recount_hills_off_grid (hill_iter h_first, hill_iter h_last, colvar_grid_scalar *ge) |
| Regenerate the hills_off_grid list.
template<typename OST > |
OST & | write_hill_template_ (OST &os, colvarbias_meta::hill const &h) |
std::ostream & | write_hill (std::ostream &os, hill const &h) |
| Write a hill to a formatted stream.
cvm::memory_stream & | write_hill (cvm::memory_stream &os, hill const &h) |
| Write a hill to an unformatted stream.
template<typename IST > |
IST & | read_hill_template_ (IST &is) |
std::istream & | read_hill (std::istream &is) |
| Read a new hill from a formatted stream.
cvm::memory_stream & | read_hill (cvm::memory_stream &is) |
| Read a new hill from an unformatted stream.
std::list< hill >::const_iterator | add_hill (hill const &h) |
| Add a new hill; if a .hills trajectory is written, write it there; if there is more than one replica, communicate it to the others.
std::list< hill >::const_iterator | delete_hill (hill_iter &h) |
| Remove a previously saved hill (returns an iterator for the next hill in the list)
virtual void | calc_hills (hill_iter h_first, hill_iter h_last, cvm::real &energy, std::vector< colvarvalue > const *values) |
| Calculate the values of the hills, incrementing bias_energy.
virtual void | calc_hills_force (size_t const &i, hill_iter h_first, hill_iter h_last, std::vector< colvarvalue > &forces, std::vector< colvarvalue > const *values) |
| Calculate the forces acting on the i-th colvar, incrementing colvar_forces[i]; must be called after calc_hills each time the values of the colvars are changed.
void | project_hills (hill_iter h_first, hill_iter h_last, colvar_grid_scalar *ge, colvar_grid_gradient *gf, bool print_progress=false) |
| Project the selected hills onto grids.
virtual int | update_replicas_registry () |
| Read the existing replicas on registry.
virtual int | read_replica_files () |
| Read new data from replicas' files.
virtual int | write_replica_state_file () |
| Write full state information to be read by other replicas.
virtual int | reopen_replica_buffer_file () |
| Call this after write_replica_state_file()
bool | get_key_string_value (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::string &data) |
| Get the string value of a keyword, and save it for later parsing.
bool | get_key_string_multi_value (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< std::string > &data) |
| Get multiple strings from repeated instances of a same keyword.
template<typename TYPE > |
bool | _get_keyval_scalar_ (std::string const &conf, char const *key, TYPE &value, TYPE const &def_value, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode) |
| Template for single-value keyword parsers.
template<typename TYPE > |
bool | _get_keyval_vector_ (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< TYPE > &values, std::vector< TYPE > const &def_values, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode) |
| Template for multiple-value keyword parsers.
template<typename TYPE > |
int | _get_keyval_scalar_value_ (std::string const &key_str, std::string const &data, TYPE &value, TYPE const &def_value) |
| Extract the value of a variable from a string.
template<typename TYPE > |
int | _get_keyval_scalar_novalue_ (std::string const &key_str, TYPE &value, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode) |
| Handle the case where the user provides a keyword without value.
template<typename TYPE > |
void | mark_key_set_user (std::string const &key_str, TYPE const &value, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode) |
| Record that the keyword has just been user-defined.
template<typename TYPE > |
void | mark_key_set_default (std::string const &key_str, TYPE const &def_value, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode) |
| Record that the keyword has just been set to its default value.
void | error_key_required (std::string const &key_str, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode) |
| Raise error condition due to the keyword being required!
bool | key_already_set (std::string const &key_str) |
| True if the keyword has been set already.
void | add_keyword (char const *key) |
| Add a new valid keyword to the list.
void | strip_values (std::string &conf) |
| Remove all the values from the config string.
| colvarparams () |
| Default constructor.
virtual | ~colvarparams () |
| Default destructor.
void | register_param (std::string const ¶m_name, void *param_ptr) |
| Register the given parameter.
void | register_param_grad (std::string const ¶m_name, colvarvalue *param_grad_ptr) |
| Register the gradient of the given parameter.
bool | get_keyval_feature (colvarparse *cvp, std::string const &conf, char const *key, int feature_id, bool const &def_value, colvarparse::Parse_Mode const parse_mode=colvarparse::parse_normal) |
| Parse a keyword and enable a feature accordingly.
cvm::real | hill_width |
std::vector< cvm::real > | colvar_sigmas |
| The sigma parameters of the Gaussian hills.
size_t | new_hill_freq |
| Number of simulation steps between two hills.
bool | b_hills_traj |
| Write the hill logfile.
std::list< hill > | hills |
| List of hills used on this bias (total); if a grid is employed, these don't need to be updated at every time step.
hill_iter | new_hills_begin |
| Iterator to the first of the "newest" hills (when using grids, those who haven't been mapped yet)
std::list< hill > | hills_off_grid |
| List of hills used on this bias that are on the boundary edges; these are updated regardless of whether hills are used.
hill_iter | new_hills_off_grid_begin |
| Same as new_hills_begin, but for the off-grid ones.
cvm::real | hill_weight |
| Height of new hills.
bool | use_grids |
| Bin the hills on grids of energy and forces, and use them to force the colvars (as opposed to deriving the hills analytically)
bool | rebin_grids |
| Rebin the hills upon restarting.
bool | expand_grids |
| Should the grids be expanded if necessary?
size_t | grids_freq |
| How often the hills should be projected onto the grids.
bool | keep_hills |
| Keep hills in the restart file (e.g. to accurately rebin later)
bool | restart_keep_hills |
| value of keepHills saved in the most recent restart file
bool | dump_fes |
| Dump the free energy surface (.pmf file) every restartFrequency.
bool | dump_replica_fes |
| Dump the free energy surface (.pmf file) every restartFrequency using only the hills from this replica (only applicable to more than one replica)
bool | dump_fes_save |
| Dump the free energy surface files at different time steps, appending the step number to each file.
bool | well_tempered |
| Whether to use well-tempered metadynamics.
cvm::real | bias_temperature |
| Biasing temperature in well-tempered metadynamics.
bool | ebmeta |
| Ensemble-biased metadynamics (EBmeta) flag.
colvar_grid_scalar * | target_dist |
| Target distribution for EBmeta.
cvm::step_number | ebmeta_equil_steps |
| Number of equilibration steps for EBmeta.
bool | safely_read_restart |
| Try to read the restart information by allocating new grids before replacing the current ones (used e.g. in multiple_replicas)
colvar_grid_scalar * | hills_energy |
| Hill energy, cached on a grid.
colvar_grid_gradient * | hills_energy_gradients |
| Hill forces, cached on a grid.
std::string | replica_id |
| Identifier for this replica.
std::string | replica_file_name |
| File containing the paths to the output files from this replica.
std::vector< colvarbias_meta * > | replicas |
| Additional, "mirror" metadynamics biases, to collect info from the other replicas. More...
size_t | replica_update_freq = 0 |
| Frequency at which data the "mirror" biases are updated.
std::string | replicas_registry_file |
std::string | replicas_registry |
| List of replicas (and their output list files)
std::string | replica_list_file |
| List of files written by this replica.
std::string | replica_state_file |
bool | replica_state_file_in_sync |
| Whether a mirror bias has read the latest version of its state file.
size_t | update_status |
std::string | replica_hills_file |
std::streampos | replica_hills_file_pos |
| Position within replica_hills_file (when reading it)
std::ostringstream | hills_traj_os_buf |
| Cache of the hills trajectory.
std::vector< colvar * > | colvars |
| Pointers to collective variables to which the bias is applied; current values and metric functions will be obtained through each colvar object.
std::vector< colvarvalue > | colvar_values |
| Up to date value of each colvar.
std::vector< colvarvalue > | colvar_forces |
| Current forces from this bias to the variables.
std::vector< colvarvalue > | previous_colvar_forces |
| Forces last applied by this bias to the variables.
cvm::real | bias_energy |
| Current energy of this bias (colvar_forces should be obtained by deriving this)
bool | b_output_energy |
| Whether to write the current bias energy from this bias to the trajectory file.
bool | has_data |
| Whether this bias has already accumulated information (for history-dependent biases)
cvm::step_number | state_file_step |
| Step number read from the last state file.
bool | matching_state |
| Flag used to tell if the state string being read is for this bias.
colvar_grid_scalar * | biasing_force_scaling_factors |
| The biasing forces will be scaled by the factor in this grid if b_bias_force_scaled is true.
std::vector< int > | biasing_force_scaling_factors_bin |
std::string const | keyword_delimiters_left |
| Characters allowed immediately to the left of a kewyord.
std::string const | keyword_delimiters_right |
| Characters allowed immediately to the right of a kewyord.
std::list< std::string > | allowed_keywords |
| List of legal keywords for this object: this is updated by each call to colvarparse::get_keyval() or colvarparse::key_lookup()
std::map< std::string, key_set_mode > | key_set_modes |
| Track which keywords have been already set, and how.
std::list< size_t > | data_begin_pos |
| List of delimiters for the values of each keyword in the configuration string; all keywords will be stripped of their values before the keyword check is performed.
std::list< size_t > | data_end_pos |
| List of delimiters for the values of each keyword in the configuration string; all keywords will be stripped of their values before the keyword check is performed.
std::string | config_string |
| Configuration string of the object (includes comments)
std::map< std::string, void const * > | param_map |
| Pointers to relevant parameters that may be accessed by other objects.
std::map< std::string, colvarvalue const * > | param_grad_map |
| Derivatives of the object with respect to internal parameters.
int | time_step_factor |
std::vector< feature_state > | feature_states |
| List of the states of all features.
std::vector< colvarvalue > | ti_system_forces |
| Forces exerted from the system to the associated variables.
std::shared_ptr< colvar_grid_gradient > | ti_avg_forces |
| Averaged system forces.
std::shared_ptr< colvar_grid_count > | ti_count |
| Histogram of sampled data.
std::vector< int > | ti_bin |