Collective Variables Module - Developer Documentation
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colvarmodule::atom_group Class Reference

Group of atom objects, mostly used by a colvar::cvc object to gather all atomic data. More...

#include <colvaratoms.h>

Inheritance diagram for colvarmodule::atom_group:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for colvarmodule::atom_group:
Collaboration graph


class  group_force_object
 A helper class for applying forces on an atom group in a way that is aware of the fitting group. NOTE: you are encouraged to use get_group_force_object() to get an instance of group_force_object instead of constructing directly. More...

Public Member Functions

 atom_group ()
 Default constructor.
 atom_group (char const *key)
 Create a group object, assign a name to it.
 atom_group (std::vector< cvm::atom > const &atoms_in)
 Initialize the group after a (temporary) vector of atoms.
 ~atom_group () override
int init ()
 Set default values for common flags.
int init_dependencies () override
 Initialize dependency tree. More...
int setup ()
 Update data required to calculate cvc's.
int parse (std::string const &conf)
 Initialize the group by looking up its configuration string in conf and parsing it.
int add_atom_numbers (std::string const &numbers_conf)
int add_atoms_of_group (atom_group const *ag)
int add_index_group (std::string const &index_group_name, bool silent=false)
int add_atom_numbers_range (std::string const &range_conf)
int add_atom_name_residue_range (std::string const &psf_segid, std::string const &range_conf)
int parse_fitting_options (std::string const &group_conf)
int add_atom (cvm::atom const &a)
 Add an atom object to this group.
int add_atom_id (int aid)
 Add an atom ID to this group (the actual atomicdata will be not be handled by the group)
int remove_atom (cvm::atom_iter ai)
 Remove an atom object from this group.
int set_dummy ()
 Set this group as a dummy group (no actual atoms)
int set_dummy_pos (cvm::atom_pos const &pos)
 If this group is dummy, set the corresponding position.
void print_properties (std::string const &colvar_name, int i, int j)
 Print the updated the total mass and charge of a group. This is needed in case the hosting MD code has an option to change atom masses after their initialization.
const std::vector< feature * > & features () const override
 Implementation of the feature list accessor for atom group. More...
std::vector< feature * > & modify_features () override
group_force_object get_group_force_object ()
cvm::atomoperator[] (size_t const i)
cvm::atom const & operator[] (size_t const i) const
cvm::atom_iter begin ()
cvm::atom_const_iter begin () const
cvm::atom_iter end ()
cvm::atom_const_iter end () const
size_t size () const
std::vector< int > const & ids () const
 Internal atom IDs (populated during initialization)
std::string const print_atom_ids () const
int create_sorted_ids ()
 Allocates and populates sorted_ids and sorted_ids_map.
std::vector< int > const & sorted_ids () const
std::vector< int > const & sorted_ids_map () const
 Map entries of sorted_atoms_ids onto the original positions in the group.
void update_total_mass ()
 Update the total mass of the atom group.
void update_total_charge ()
 Update the total mass of the group.
void read_positions ()
 Get the current positions.
void calc_apply_roto_translation ()
 (Re)calculate the optimal roto-translation
void setup_rotation_derivative ()
void center_ref_pos ()
 Save aside the center of geometry of the reference positions, then subtract it from them. More...
void apply_translation (cvm::rvector const &t)
 Move all positions.
void read_velocities ()
 Get the current velocities; this must be called always after read_positions(); if f_ag_rotate is defined, the same rotation applied to the coordinates will be used.
void read_total_forces ()
 Get the current total_forces; this must be called always after read_positions(); if f_ag_rotate is defined, the same rotation applied to the coordinates will be used.
void reset_atoms_data ()
 Call reset_data() for each atom.
int calc_required_properties ()
 Recompute all mutable quantities that are required to compute CVCs.
std::vector< cvm::atom_pospositions () const
 Return a copy of the current atom positions.
int calc_center_of_geometry ()
 Calculate the center of geometry of the atomic positions, assuming that they are already pbc-wrapped.
cvm::atom_pos center_of_geometry () const
 Return the center of geometry of the atomic positions.
int calc_center_of_mass ()
 Calculate the center of mass of the atomic positions, assuming that they are already pbc-wrapped.
cvm::atom_pos center_of_mass () const
 Return the center of mass (COM) of the atomic positions.
cvm::rvector center_of_mass_scalar_gradient () const
 Return previously gradient of scalar variable with respect to the COM.
std::vector< cvm::atom_pospositions_shifted (cvm::rvector const &shift) const
 Return a copy of the current atom positions, shifted by a constant vector.
std::vector< cvm::rvectorvelocities () const
 Return a copy of the current atom velocities.
int calc_dipole (cvm::atom_pos const &dipole_center)
 Calculate the dipole of the atom group around the specified center.
cvm::rvector dipole () const
 Return the (previously calculated) dipole of the atom group.
std::vector< cvm::rvectortotal_forces () const
 Return a copy of the total forces.
cvm::rvector total_force () const
 Return a copy of the aggregated total force on the group.
void set_weighted_gradient (cvm::rvector const &grad)
 Shorthand: save the specified gradient on each atom, weighting with the atom mass (mostly used in combination with center_of_mass())
void calc_fit_gradients ()
 Calculate the derivatives of the fitting transformation.
template<bool B_ag_center, bool B_ag_rotate, typename main_force_accessor_T , typename fitting_force_accessor_T >
void calc_fit_forces_impl (main_force_accessor_T accessor_main, fitting_force_accessor_T accessor_fitting) const
 Actual implementation of calc_fit_gradients and calc_fit_forces. The template is used to avoid branching inside the loops in case that the CPU branch prediction is broken (or further migration to GPU code). More...
template<typename main_force_accessor_T , typename fitting_force_accessor_T >
void calc_fit_forces (main_force_accessor_T accessor_main, fitting_force_accessor_T accessor_fitting) const
 Calculate or apply the fitting group forces from the main group forces. More...
void apply_colvar_force (cvm::real const &force)
 Used by a (scalar) colvar to apply its force on its atom_group members. More...
void apply_force (cvm::rvector const &force)
 Apply a force "to the center of mass", i.e. the force is distributed on each atom according to its mass. More...
void do_feature_side_effects (int id) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from colvarparse
 colvarparse ()
 Default constructor.
 colvarparse (const std::string &conf)
 Constructor that stores the object's config string.
void clear ()
 Set the object ready to parse a new configuration string.
void set_string (std::string const &conf)
 Set a new config string for this object.
 ~colvarparse () override
 Default destructor.
std::string const & get_config () const
 Get the configuration string (includes comments)
int check_keywords (std::string &conf, char const *key)
 Check that all the keywords within "conf" are in the list of allowed keywords; this will invoke strip_values() first and then loop over all words.
void clear_keyword_registry ()
 Use this after parsing a config string (note that check_keywords() calls it already)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, int &value, int const &def_value=0, Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, size_t &value, size_t const &def_value=0, Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, long &value, long const &def_value=0, Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, cvm::step_number &value, cvm::step_number const &def_value=0, Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::string &value, std::string const &def_value=std::string(""), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, cvm::real &value, cvm::real const &def_value=0.0, Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, cvm::rvector &value, cvm::rvector const &def_value=cvm::rvector(), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, cvm::quaternion &value, cvm::quaternion const &def_value=cvm::quaternion(), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, colvarvalue &value, colvarvalue const &def_value=colvarvalue(colvarvalue::type_notset), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, bool &value, bool const &def_value=false, Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< int > &values, std::vector< int > const &def_values=std::vector< int >(0, 0), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< size_t > &values, std::vector< size_t > const &def_values=std::vector< size_t >(0, 0), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< long > &values, std::vector< long > const &def_values=std::vector< long >(0, 0), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< std::string > &values, std::vector< std::string > const &def_values=std::vector< std::string >(0, std::string("")), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< cvm::real > &values, std::vector< cvm::real > const &def_values=std::vector< cvm::real >(0, 0.0), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< cvm::rvector > &values, std::vector< cvm::rvector > const &def_values=std::vector< cvm::rvector >(0, cvm::rvector()), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< cvm::quaternion > &values, std::vector< cvm::quaternion > const &def_values=std::vector< cvm::quaternion >(0, cvm::quaternion()), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool get_keyval (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< colvarvalue > &values, std::vector< colvarvalue > const &def_values=std::vector< colvarvalue >(0, colvarvalue(colvarvalue::type_notset)), Parse_Mode const parse_mode=parse_normal)
bool key_lookup (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::string *data=nullptr, size_t *save_pos=nullptr)
 Low-level function for parsing configuration strings; automatically adds the requested keyword to the list of valid ones. More...
std::istream & read_config_line (std::istream &is, std::string &line)
 Reads a configuration line, adds it to config_string, and returns the stream. More...
int _get_keyval_scalar_value_ (std::string const &key_str, std::string const &data, bool &value, bool const &)
int _get_keyval_scalar_novalue_ (std::string const &key_str, bool &value, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode)
- Public Member Functions inherited from colvarparams
int param_exists (std::string const &param_name)
 Whether the parameter param_name exists.
virtual std::vector< std::string > get_param_names ()
 Get a copy of the names of registered parameters.
virtual std::vector< std::string > get_param_grad_names ()
 Get a copy of the names of registered parameter gradients.
virtual void const * get_param_ptr (std::string const &param_name)
 Pointer to the parameter param_name.
virtual void const * get_param_grad_ptr (std::string const &param_name)
 Pointer to the gradient of parameter param_name.
virtual cvm::real get_param (std::string const &param_name)
 Value of the parameter param_name (must be a scalar)
virtual int set_param (std::string const &param_name, void const *new_value)
 Set the named parameter to the given value. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from colvardeps
int get_time_step_factor () const
 returns time_step_factor
void init_feature (int feature_id, const char *description, feature_type type)
 Pair a numerical feature ID with a description and type.
bool is_not_set (int id)
bool is_dynamic (int id)
bool is_static (int id)
bool is_user (int id)
virtual const std::vector< feature * > & features () const =0
virtual std::vector< feature * > & modify_features ()=0
void add_child (colvardeps *child)
void remove_child (colvardeps *child)
void remove_all_children ()
bool is_enabled (int f=f_cv_active) const
bool is_available (int f=f_cv_active) const
void provide (int feature_id, bool truefalse=true)
void set_enabled (int feature_id, bool truefalse=true)
 Enable or disable, depending on flag value.
int enable (int f, bool dry_run=false, bool toplevel=true, bool error=false)
int disable (int f)
void free_children_deps ()
void restore_children_deps ()
 re-enable children features (to be used when object becomes active)
int decr_ref_count (int f)
virtual void do_feature_side_effects (int)
virtual int init_dependencies ()=0
 Initialize dependency tree for object of a derived class. More...
void require_feature_self (int f, int g)
 Make feature f require feature g within the same object.
void exclude_feature_self (int f, int g)
 Make features f and g mutually exclusive within the same object.
void require_feature_children (int f, int g)
 Make feature f require feature g within children.
void require_feature_alt (int f, int g, int h)
 Make feature f require either g or h within the same object.
void require_feature_alt (int f, int g, int h, int i)
 Make feature f require any of g, h, or i within the same object.
void require_feature_alt (int f, int g, int h, int i, int j)
 Make feature f require any of g, h, i, or j within the same object.
void print_state ()
 print all enabled features and those of children, for debugging
void check_enabled (int f, std::string const &reason) const
 Check that a feature is enabled, raising COLVARS_BUG_ERROR if not.

Static Public Member Functions

static void delete_features ()
static int overlap (const atom_group &g1, const atom_group &g2)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from colvarparse
static std::string to_lower_cppstr (std::string const &in)
 Return a lowercased copy of the string.
static std::istream & getline_nocomments (std::istream &is, std::string &s)
 Works as std::getline() but also removes everything between a comment character and the following newline.
static int check_braces (std::string const &conf, size_t const start_pos)
 Check if the content of a config string has matching braces. More...
static int check_ascii (std::string const &conf)
 Check that a config string contains non-ASCII characters. More...
static void split_string (const std::string &data, const std::string &delim, std::vector< std::string > &dest)
 Split a string with a specified delimiter into a vector. More...

Public Attributes

std::string name
 Optional name to reuse properties of this in other groups.
std::string key
 Keyword used to define the group.
bool b_dummy
 If this option is on, this group merely acts as a wrapper for a fixed position; any calls to atoms within or to functions that return disaggregated data will fail.
cvm::rotation rot
 The rotation calculated automatically if f_ag_rotate is defined.
rotation_derivative< cvm::atom, cvm::atom_pos > * rot_deriv
 Rotation derivative;.
bool b_user_defined_fit
 Indicates that the user has explicitly set centerToReference or rotateReference, and the corresponding reference: cvc's (eg rmsd, eigenvector) will not override the user's choice.
std::vector< cvm::atom_posref_pos
 use reference coordinates for f_ag_center or f_ag_rotate
cvm::atom_pos ref_pos_cog
 Center of geometry of the reference coordinates; regardless of whether f_ag_center is true, ref_pos is centered to zero at initialization, and ref_pos_cog serves to center the positions.
 If f_ag_center or f_ag_rotate is true, use this group to define the transformation (default: this group itself)
cvm::real total_mass
 Total mass of the atom group.
cvm::real total_charge
 Total charge of the atom group.
bool noforce
 Don't apply any force on this group (use its coordinates only to calculate a colvar)
std::vector< cvm::atom_posfit_gradients
 Derivatives of the fitting transformation.
- Public Attributes inherited from colvardeps
std::string description

Static Public Attributes

static std::vector< feature * > ag_features
 Implementation of the feature list for atom group.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from colvarparse
static const char *const white_space = " \t"
 Accepted white space delimiters, used in key_lookup()

Protected Attributes

std::vector< cvm::atomatoms
 Array of atom objects.
std::vector< int > atoms_ids
 Internal atom IDs for host code.
std::vector< int > sorted_atoms_ids
std::vector< int > sorted_atoms_ids_map
 Map entries of sorted_atoms_ids onto the original positions in the group.
cvm::atom_pos dummy_atom_pos
 Dummy atom position.
int index
 Index in the colvarproxy arrays (if the group is scalable)
std::vector< cvm::rvectorgroup_forces
 The temporary forces acting on the main group atoms. Currently this is only used for calculating the fitting group forces for non-scalar components.
- Protected Attributes inherited from colvarparse
std::string const keyword_delimiters_left
 Characters allowed immediately to the left of a kewyord.
std::string const keyword_delimiters_right
 Characters allowed immediately to the right of a kewyord.
std::list< std::string > allowed_keywords
 List of legal keywords for this object: this is updated by each call to colvarparse::get_keyval() or colvarparse::key_lookup()
std::map< std::string, key_set_modekey_set_modes
 Track which keywords have been already set, and how.
std::list< size_t > data_begin_pos
 List of delimiters for the values of each keyword in the configuration string; all keywords will be stripped of their values before the keyword check is performed.
std::list< size_t > data_end_pos
 List of delimiters for the values of each keyword in the configuration string; all keywords will be stripped of their values before the keyword check is performed.
std::string config_string
 Configuration string of the object (includes comments)
- Protected Attributes inherited from colvarparams
std::map< std::string, void const * > param_map
 Pointers to relevant parameters that may be accessed by other objects.
std::map< std::string, colvarvalue const * > param_grad_map
 Derivatives of the object with respect to internal parameters.
- Protected Attributes inherited from colvardeps
int time_step_factor
std::vector< feature_statefeature_states
 List of the states of all features.

Private Attributes

cvm::atom_pos cog
 Center of geometry.
cvm::atom_pos cog_orig
 Center of geometry before any fitting.
std::vector< cvm::atom_pospos_unrotated
 Unrotated atom positions for fit gradients.
cvm::atom_pos com
 Center of mass.
cvm::rvector scalar_com_gradient
 The derivative of a scalar variable with respect to the COM.
cvm::rvector dip
 Dipole moment of the atom group.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from colvarparse
enum  Parse_Mode {
  parse_null = 0 , parse_echo = (1<<1) , parse_echo_default = (1<<2) , parse_deprecation_warning = (1<<3) ,
  parse_silent = 0 , parse_required = (1<<16) , parse_override = (1<<17) , parse_restart = (1<<18) ,
  parse_normal = (1<<1) | (1<<2) | (1<<17) , parse_deprecated = (1<<1) | (1<<3) | (1<<17)
 How a keyword is parsed in a string. More...
- Public Types inherited from colvardeps
enum  features_biases {
  f_cvb_active , f_cvb_awake , f_cvb_step_zero_data , f_cvb_apply_force ,
  f_cvb_bypass_ext_lagrangian , f_cvb_get_total_force , f_cvb_output_acc_work , f_cvb_history_dependent ,
  f_cvb_time_dependent , f_cvb_scalar_variables , f_cvb_calc_pmf , f_cvb_calc_ti_samples ,
  f_cvb_write_ti_samples , f_cvb_write_ti_pmf , f_cvb_scale_biasing_force , f_cvb_extended ,
enum  features_colvar {
  f_cv_active , f_cv_awake , f_cv_apply_force , f_cv_gradient ,
  f_cv_collect_gradient , f_cv_collect_atom_ids , f_cv_fdiff_velocity , f_cv_total_force ,
  f_cv_total_force_calc , f_cv_total_force_current_step , f_cv_subtract_applied_force , f_cv_Jacobian ,
  f_cv_hide_Jacobian , f_cv_extended_Lagrangian , f_cv_external , f_cv_Langevin ,
  f_cv_output_energy , f_cv_output_value , f_cv_output_velocity , f_cv_output_applied_force ,
  f_cv_output_total_force , f_cv_lower_boundary , f_cv_upper_boundary , f_cv_hard_lower_boundary ,
  f_cv_hard_upper_boundary , f_cv_reflecting_lower_boundary , f_cv_reflecting_upper_boundary , f_cv_grid ,
  f_cv_runave , f_cv_corrfunc , f_cv_scripted , f_cv_custom_function ,
  f_cv_periodic , f_cv_single_cvc , f_cv_scalar , f_cv_linear ,
  f_cv_homogeneous , f_cv_multiple_ts , f_cv_ntot
enum  features_cvc {
  f_cvc_active , f_cvc_scalar , f_cvc_periodic , f_cvc_width ,
  f_cvc_lower_boundary , f_cvc_upper_boundary , f_cvc_explicit_atom_groups , f_cvc_gradient ,
  f_cvc_explicit_gradient , f_cvc_inv_gradient , f_cvc_Jacobian , f_cvc_one_site_total_force ,
  f_cvc_debug_gradient , f_cvc_pbc_minimum_image , f_cvc_com_based , f_cvc_scalable ,
  f_cvc_scalable_com , f_cvc_collect_atom_ids , f_cvc_ntot
enum  features_atomgroup {
  f_ag_active , f_ag_center , f_ag_center_origin , f_ag_rotate ,
  f_ag_fitting_group , f_ag_explicit_gradient , f_ag_fit_gradients , f_ag_atom_forces ,
  f_ag_scalable , f_ag_scalable_com , f_ag_collect_atom_ids , f_ag_ntot
- Protected Types inherited from colvarparse
enum  key_set_mode { key_not_set = 0 , key_set_user = 1 , key_set_default = 2 }
 How a keyword has been set.
- Protected Types inherited from colvardeps
enum  feature_type { f_type_not_set , f_type_dynamic , f_type_user , f_type_static }
 Enum of possible feature types.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from colvarparse
bool get_key_string_value (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::string &data)
 Get the string value of a keyword, and save it for later parsing.
bool get_key_string_multi_value (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< std::string > &data)
 Get multiple strings from repeated instances of a same keyword.
template<typename TYPE >
bool _get_keyval_scalar_ (std::string const &conf, char const *key, TYPE &value, TYPE const &def_value, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode)
 Template for single-value keyword parsers.
template<typename TYPE >
bool _get_keyval_vector_ (std::string const &conf, char const *key, std::vector< TYPE > &values, std::vector< TYPE > const &def_values, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode)
 Template for multiple-value keyword parsers.
template<typename TYPE >
int _get_keyval_scalar_value_ (std::string const &key_str, std::string const &data, TYPE &value, TYPE const &def_value)
 Extract the value of a variable from a string.
template<typename TYPE >
int _get_keyval_scalar_novalue_ (std::string const &key_str, TYPE &value, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode)
 Handle the case where the user provides a keyword without value.
template<typename TYPE >
void mark_key_set_user (std::string const &key_str, TYPE const &value, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode)
 Record that the keyword has just been user-defined.
template<typename TYPE >
void mark_key_set_default (std::string const &key_str, TYPE const &def_value, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode)
 Record that the keyword has just been set to its default value.
void error_key_required (std::string const &key_str, Parse_Mode const &parse_mode)
 Raise error condition due to the keyword being required!
bool key_already_set (std::string const &key_str)
 True if the keyword has been set already.
void add_keyword (char const *key)
 Add a new valid keyword to the list.
void strip_values (std::string &conf)
 Remove all the values from the config string.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from colvarparams
 colvarparams ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~colvarparams ()
 Default destructor.
void register_param (std::string const &param_name, void *param_ptr)
 Register the given parameter.
void register_param_grad (std::string const &param_name, colvarvalue *param_grad_ptr)
 Register the gradient of the given parameter.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from colvardeps
bool get_keyval_feature (colvarparse *cvp, std::string const &conf, char const *key, int feature_id, bool const &def_value, colvarparse::Parse_Mode const parse_mode=colvarparse::parse_normal)
 Parse a keyword and enable a feature accordingly.

Detailed Description

Group of atom objects, mostly used by a colvar::cvc object to gather all atomic data.

Member Function Documentation

◆ apply_colvar_force()

void cvm::atom_group::apply_colvar_force ( cvm::real const &  force)

Used by a (scalar) colvar to apply its force on its atom_group members.

The (scalar) force is multiplied by the colvar gradient for each atom; this should be used when a colvar with scalar colvarvalue type is used (this is the most frequent case: for colvars with a non-scalar type, the most convenient solution is to sum together the Cartesian forces from all the colvar components, and use apply_force() or apply_forces()). If the group is being rotated to a reference frame (e.g. to express the colvar independently from the solute rotation), the gradients are temporarily rotated to the original frame.

◆ apply_force()

void cvm::atom_group::apply_force ( cvm::rvector const &  force)

Apply a force "to the center of mass", i.e. the force is distributed on each atom according to its mass.

If the group is being rotated to a reference frame (e.g. to express the colvar independently from the solute rotation), the force is rotated back to the original frame. Colvar gradients are not used, either because they were not defined (e.g because the colvar has not a scalar value) or the biases require to micromanage the force. This function will be phased out eventually, in favor of apply_colvar_force() once that is implemented for non-scalar values

◆ calc_fit_forces()

template<typename main_force_accessor_T , typename fitting_force_accessor_T >
void cvm::atom_group::calc_fit_forces ( main_force_accessor_T  accessor_main,
fitting_force_accessor_T  accessor_fitting 
) const

Calculate or apply the fitting group forces from the main group forces.

Template Parameters
main_force_accessor_TThe type of accessor of the main group forces or gradients.
fitting_force_accessor_TThe type of accessor of the fitting group forces or gradients.
accessor_mainThe accessor of the main group forces or gradients. accessor_main(i) should return the i-th force or gradient of the main group.
accessor_fittingThe accessor of the fitting group forces or gradients. accessor_fitting(j, v) should store/apply the j-th atom gradient or force in the fitting group.

This function just dispatches the parameters to calc_fit_forces_impl that really performs the calculations.

◆ calc_fit_forces_impl()

template<bool B_ag_center, bool B_ag_rotate, typename main_force_accessor_T , typename fitting_force_accessor_T >
void cvm::atom_group::calc_fit_forces_impl ( main_force_accessor_T  accessor_main,
fitting_force_accessor_T  accessor_fitting 
) const

Actual implementation of calc_fit_gradients and calc_fit_forces. The template is used to avoid branching inside the loops in case that the CPU branch prediction is broken (or further migration to GPU code).

Template Parameters
B_ag_centerCentered the reference to origin? This should follow the value of is_enabled(f_ag_center).
B_ag_rotateCalculate the optimal rotation? This should follow the value of is_enabled(f_ag_rotate).
main_force_accessor_TThe type of accessor of the main group forces or gradients acting on the rotated frame.
fitting_force_accessor_TThe type of accessor of the fitting group forces or gradients.
accessor_mainThe accessor of the main group forces or gradients. accessor_main(i) should return the i-th force or gradient of the rotated main group.
accessor_fittingThe accessor of the fitting group forces or gradients. accessor_fitting(j, v) should store/apply the j-th atom gradient or force in the fitting group.

This function is used to (i) project the gradients of CV with respect to rotated main group atoms to fitting group atoms, or (ii) project the forces on rotated main group atoms to fitting group atoms, by the following two steps (using the goal (ii) for example): (1) Loop over the positions of main group atoms and call cvm::quaternion::position_derivative_inner to project the forces on rotated main group atoms to the forces on quaternion. (2) Loop over the positions of fitting group atoms, compute the gradients of \(\mathbf{q}\) with respect to the position of each atom, and then multiply that with the force on \(\mathbf{q}\) (chain rule).

◆ center_ref_pos()

void cvm::atom_group::center_ref_pos ( )

Save aside the center of geometry of the reference positions, then subtract it from them.

In this way it will be possible to use ref_pos also for the rotational fit. This is called either by atom_group::parse or by CVCs that assign reference positions (eg. RMSD, eigenvector).

◆ do_feature_side_effects()

void cvm::atom_group::do_feature_side_effects ( int  id)

Implements possible actions to be carried out when a given feature is enabled This overloads the base function in colvardeps

Reimplemented from colvardeps.

◆ features()

const std::vector< feature * > & colvarmodule::atom_group::features ( ) const

Implementation of the feature list accessor for atom group.

Implements colvardeps.

◆ init_dependencies()

int cvm::atom_group::init_dependencies ( )

Initialize dependency tree.

Implements colvardeps.

◆ modify_features()

std::vector< feature * > & colvarmodule::atom_group::modify_features ( )

Implements colvardeps.

◆ overlap()

int cvm::atom_group::overlap ( const atom_group g1,
const atom_group g2 

Detect whether two groups share atoms If yes, returns 1-based number of a common atom; else, returns 0

◆ sorted_ids()

std::vector< int > const & colvarmodule::atom_group::sorted_ids ( ) const

Sorted internal atom IDs (populated on-demand by create_sorted_ids); used to read coordinate files

Member Data Documentation

◆ sorted_atoms_ids

std::vector<int> colvarmodule::atom_group::sorted_atoms_ids

Sorted list of internal atom IDs (populated on-demand by create_sorted_ids); used to read coordinate files

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