Collective Variables Module - Developer Documentation
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CcolvarA collective variable (main class); to be defined, it needs at least one object of a derived class of colvar::cvc; it calculates and returns a colvarvalue object
 Ccolvar_gridGrid of values of a function of several collective variables
 Ccolvar_grid_countColvar_grid derived class to hold counters in discrete n-dim colvar space
 Ccolvar_grid_gradientClass for accumulating the gradient of a scalar function on a grid
 Ccolvar_grid_scalarClass for accumulating a scalar function on a grid
 CcolvarbiasCollective variable bias, base class
 Ccolvarbias_abfABF bias
 Ccolvarbias_abmdAdiabatic Bias MD
 Ccolvarbias_histogramHistogram "bias" (does as the name says)
 Ccolvarbias_metaMetadynamics bias (implementation of colvarbias)
 Ccolvarbias_restraintMost general definition of a colvar restraint: see derived classes for specific types (implementation of colvarbias)
 Ccolvarbias_restraint_centersDefinition and parsing of the restraint centers
 Ccolvarbias_restraint_centers_movingOptions to change the restraint centers over time
 Ccolvarbias_restraint_harmonicHarmonic bias restraint (implementation of colvarbias_restraint)
 Ccolvarbias_restraint_harmonic_wallsWall restraint (implementation of colvarbias_restraint)
 Ccolvarbias_restraint_histogramRestrain the 1D histogram of a set of variables (or of a multidimensional one)
 Ccolvarbias_restraint_kDefinition and parsing of the force constant
 Ccolvarbias_restraint_k_movingOptions to change the restraint force constant over time
 Ccolvarbias_restraint_linearLinear bias restraint (implementation of colvarbias_restraint)
 Ccolvarbias_restraint_movingOptions to change the restraint configuration over time (shared between centers and k moving)
 Ccolvarbias_tiBase class for unconstrained thermodynamic-integration FE estimator
 CcolvardepsParent class for a member object of a bias, cv or cvc etc. containing features and their dependencies, and handling dependency resolution
 CcolvarmoduleCollective variables module (main class)
 CcolvarparseBase class containing parsing functions; all objects which need to parse input inherit from this
 Ccolvarproxy_atom_groupsContainer of atom group data (allow collection of aggregated atomic data)
 Ccolvarproxy_atomsContainer of atomic data for processing by Colvars
 Ccolvarproxy_ioMethods for data input/output
 Ccolvarproxy_lammpsCommunication between colvars and LAMMPS (implementation of colvarproxy)
 Ccolvarproxy_namdCommunication between colvars and NAMD (implementation of colvarproxy)
 Ccolvarproxy_replicasMethods for multiple-replica communication
 Ccolvarproxy_scriptMethods for scripting language interface (Tcl or Python)
 Ccolvarproxy_smpMethods for SMP parallelization
 Ccolvarproxy_systemMethods for accessing the simulation system (PBCs, integrator, etc)
 Ccolvarproxy_tclMethods for using Tcl within Colvars
 Ccolvarproxy_vmdCommunication between colvars and VMD (implementation of colvarproxy)
 Ccolvarproxy_volmapsContainer of grid-based objects
 CcolvarvalueValue of a collective variable: this is a metatype which can be set at runtime. By default it is set to be a scalar number, and can be treated as such in all operations (this is done by most colvar::cvc implementations)
 Cintegrate_potentialIntegrate (1D, 2D or 3D) gradients
 Crotation_derivativeHelper class for calculating the derivative of rotation