void | init_tcl_pointers () override |
| Set Tcl pointers. More...
int | setup () override |
| (Re)initialize required member data (called after the module) More...
int | reset () override |
| Reset proxy state, e.g. requested atoms. More...
int | update_target_temperature () |
| Get the target temperature from the NAMD thermostats supported so far.
void | init_atoms_map () |
| Allocate an atoms map with the same size as the NAMD topology.
int | update_atoms_map (AtomIDList::const_iterator begin, AtomIDList::const_iterator end) |
void | calculate () |
void | log (std::string const &message) override |
| Print a message to the main log. More...
void | error (std::string const &message) override |
| Print a message to the main log and/or let the host code know about it. More...
int | set_unit_system (std::string const &units_in, bool check_only) override |
| Request to set the units used internally by Colvars. More...
void | add_energy (cvm::real energy) override |
| Pass restraint energy value for current timestep to MD engine. More...
void | request_total_force (bool yesno) override |
| Tell the proxy whether total forces are needed (they may not always be available) More...
bool | total_forces_enabled () const override |
| Are total forces being used? More...
int | run_force_callback () override |
| Run a user-defined colvar forces script. More...
int | run_colvar_callback (std::string const &name, std::vector< const colvarvalue * > const &cvcs, colvarvalue &value) override |
int | run_colvar_gradient_callback (std::string const &name, std::vector< const colvarvalue * > const &cvcs, std::vector< cvm::matrix2d< cvm::real > > &gradient) override |
cvm::real | rand_gaussian () override |
| Pseudo-random number with Gaussian distribution. More...
cvm::real | get_accelMD_factor () const override |
| Get weight factor from accelMD. More...
bool | accelMD_enabled () const override |
int | replica_enabled () override |
| Indicate if multi-replica support is available and active. More...
int | replica_index () override |
| Index of this replica. More...
int | num_replicas () override |
| Total number of replicas. More...
void | replica_comm_barrier () override |
| Synchronize replica with others. More...
int | replica_comm_recv (char *msg_data, int buf_len, int src_rep) override |
| Receive data from other replica. More...
int | replica_comm_send (char *msg_data, int msg_len, int dest_rep) override |
| Send data to other replica. More...
int | check_atom_name_selections_available () override |
| Check whether it is possible to select atoms by residue number name. More...
int | init_atom (int atom_number) override |
int | check_atom_id (int atom_number) override |
int | init_atom (cvm::residue_id const &residue, std::string const &atom_name, std::string const &segment_id) override |
int | check_atom_id (cvm::residue_id const &residue, std::string const &atom_name, std::string const &segment_id) override |
| Check that this atom is valid, but do not initialize it yet. More...
void | clear_atom (int index) override |
| Used by the atom class destructor: rather than deleting the array slot (costly) set the corresponding atoms_refcount to zero. More...
void | update_atom_properties (int index) |
cvm::rvector | position_distance (cvm::atom_pos const &pos1, cvm::atom_pos const &pos2) const |
| Get the PBC-aware distance vector between two positions. More...
int | load_atoms_pdb (char const *filename, cvm::atom_group &atoms, std::string const &pdb_field, double const pdb_field_value) override |
| Read a selection of atom IDs from a PDB coordinate file. More...
int | load_coords_pdb (char const *filename, std::vector< cvm::atom_pos > &pos, const std::vector< int > &indices, std::string const &pdb_field, double const pdb_field_value) override |
| Load a set of coordinates from a PDB file. More...
int | scalable_group_coms () override |
| Whether this proxy implementation has capability for scalable groups. More...
int | init_atom_group (std::vector< int > const &atoms_ids) override |
| Prepare this group for collective variables calculation, selecting atoms by internal ids (0-based) More...
void | clear_atom_group (int index) override |
| Used by the atom_group class destructor. More...
int | update_group_properties (int index) |
int | check_volmaps_available () override |
| Test whether this implementation can use volumetric maps as CVs. More...
int | init_volmap_by_id (int volmap_id) override |
int | init_volmap_by_name (const char *volmap_name) override |
int | check_volmap_by_id (int volmap_id) override |
int | check_volmap_by_name (char const *volmap_name) override |
int | get_volmap_id_from_name (char const *volmap_name) override |
| Get the numeric ID of the given volumetric map (for the MD program) More...
void | clear_volmap (int index) override |
| Used by the CVC destructors. More...
int | compute_volmap (int flags, int volmap_id, cvm::atom_iter atom_begin, cvm::atom_iter atom_end, cvm::real *value, cvm::real *atom_field) override |
template<class T > |
void | getGridForceGridValue (int flags, T const *grid, cvm::atom_iter atom_begin, cvm::atom_iter atom_end, cvm::real *value, cvm::real *atom_field) |
| Abstraction of the two types of NAMD volumetric maps.
template<class T , int flags> |
void | GridForceGridLoop (T const *g, cvm::atom_iter atom_begin, cvm::atom_iter atom_end, cvm::real *value, cvm::real *atom_field) |
| Implementation of inner loop; allows for atom list computation and use.
std::ostream & | output_stream (std::string const &output_name, std::string const description) override |
int | flush_output_stream (std::string const &output_name) override |
| Flushes the given output file/channel. More...
int | flush_output_streams () override |
| Flushes all output files/channels. More...
int | close_output_stream (std::string const &output_name) override |
| Closes the given output file/channel. More...
int | close_output_streams () override |
| Close all open files/channels to prevent data loss. More...
int | backup_file (char const *filename) override |
| Rename the given file, before overwriting it. More...
| colvarproxy () |
| Constructor.
| ~colvarproxy () override |
| Destructor.
std::string const & | engine_name () const |
bool | io_available () override |
| Ensure that we're on the main thread (derived class will do actual check) More...
virtual int | request_deletion () |
| Request deallocation of the module (currently only implemented by VMD) More...
bool | delete_requested () const |
| Whether deallocation was requested.
virtual int | reset () |
| Reset proxy state, e.g. requested atoms. More...
virtual int | parse_module_config () |
| (Re)initialize the module
virtual int | load_atoms_pdb (char const *filename, cvm::atom_group &atoms, std::string const &pdb_field, double pdb_field_value) |
| Read a selection of atom IDs from a PDB coordinate file. More...
virtual int | load_coords_pdb (char const *filename, std::vector< cvm::atom_pos > &pos, std::vector< int > const &sorted_ids, std::string const &pdb_field, double pdb_field_value) |
| Load a set of coordinates from a PDB file. More...
virtual int | setup () |
| (Re)initialize required member data (called after the module) More...
bool | engine_ready () const |
| Whether the engine allows to fully initialize Colvars immediately.
void | add_config (std::string const &cmd, std::string const &conf) |
| Enqueue new configuration text, to be parsed as soon as possible.
virtual int | update_input () |
virtual int | update_output () |
| Update data based on the results of a Colvars call (e.g. send forces)
int | end_of_step () |
| Carry out operations needed before next simulation step is run.
virtual void | log (std::string const &message) |
| Print a message to the main log. More...
virtual void | error (std::string const &message) |
| Print a message to the main log and/or let the host code know about it. More...
void | add_error_msg (std::string const &message) |
| Record error message (used by VMD to collect them after a script call)
std::string const & | get_error_msgs () |
| Retrieve accumulated error messages.
void | clear_error_msgs () |
| As the name says.
bool | simulation_running () const |
| Whether a simulation is running (warn against irrecovarable errors)
bool | simulation_continuing () const |
int | post_run () |
| Called at the end of a simulation segment (i.e. "run" command)
void | print_input_atomic_data () |
| Print a full list of all input atomic arrays for debug purposes.
void | print_output_atomic_data () |
| Print a full list of all applied forces for debug purposes.
int | get_version_from_string (char const *version_string) |
| Convert a version string "YYYY-MM-DD" into an integer.
int | version_number () const |
| Get the version number (higher = more recent)
| colvarproxy_system () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~colvarproxy_system () |
| Destructor.
virtual int | set_unit_system (std::string const &units, bool check_only) |
| Request to set the units used internally by Colvars. More...
cvm::real | angstrom_to_internal (cvm::real l) const |
| Convert a length from Angstrom to internal.
cvm::real | internal_to_angstrom (cvm::real l) const |
| Convert a length from internal to Angstrom.
cvm::real | boltzmann () const |
| Boltzmann constant, with unit the same as energy / K.
cvm::real | target_temperature () const |
| Current target temperature of the simulation (K units)
virtual int | set_target_temperature (cvm::real T) |
| Set the current target temperature of the simulation (K units)
double | dt () const |
| Time step of the simulation (fs units)
virtual int | set_integration_timestep (cvm::real dt) |
| Set the current integration timestep of the simulation (fs units)
virtual cvm::real | rand_gaussian (void) |
| Pseudo-random number with Gaussian distribution. More...
virtual void | add_energy (cvm::real energy) |
| Pass restraint energy value for current timestep to MD engine. More...
virtual cvm::rvector | position_distance (cvm::atom_pos const &pos1, cvm::atom_pos const &pos2) const |
| Get the PBC-aware distance vector between two positions. More...
void | update_pbc_lattice () |
| Recompute PBC reciprocal lattice (assumes XYZ periodicity)
void | reset_pbc_lattice () |
| Set the lattice vectors to zero.
virtual void | request_total_force (bool yesno) |
| Tell the proxy whether total forces are needed (they may not always be available) More...
virtual bool | total_forces_enabled () const |
| Are total forces being used? More...
virtual bool | total_forces_same_step () const |
| Are total forces from the current step available? More...
virtual int | get_molid (int &molid) |
virtual int | get_alch_lambda (cvm::real *lambda) |
| Get value of alchemical lambda parameter from back-end (if available) More...
void | set_alch_lambda (cvm::real lambda) |
| Set value of alchemical lambda parameter to be sent to back-end at end of timestep.
virtual int | send_alch_lambda () |
| Send cached value of alchemical lambda parameter to back-end (if available) More...
virtual int | get_dE_dlambda (cvm::real *dE_dlambda) |
| Get energy derivative with respect to lambda (if available) More...
virtual int | apply_force_dE_dlambda (cvm::real *force) |
| Apply a scalar force on dE_dlambda (back-end distributes it onto atoms)
virtual int | get_d2E_dlambda2 (cvm::real *d2E_dlambda2) |
| Get energy second derivative with respect to lambda (if available)
virtual cvm::real | get_accelMD_factor () const |
| Get weight factor from accelMD. More...
virtual bool | accelMD_enabled () const |
| colvarproxy_atoms () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~colvarproxy_atoms () |
| Destructor.
virtual int | init_atom (int atom_number) |
virtual int | check_atom_id (int atom_number) |
virtual int | check_atom_name_selections_available () |
| Check whether it is possible to select atoms by residue number name. More...
virtual int | init_atom (cvm::residue_id const &residue, std::string const &atom_name, std::string const &segment_id) |
virtual int | check_atom_id (cvm::residue_id const &residue, std::string const &atom_name, std::string const &segment_id) |
| Check that this atom is valid, but do not initialize it yet. More...
virtual void | clear_atom (int index) |
| Used by the atom class destructor: rather than deleting the array slot (costly) set the corresponding atoms_refcount to zero. More...
int | reset () |
| Clear atomic data.
int | get_atom_id (int index) const |
cvm::real | get_atom_mass (int index) const |
void | increase_refcount (int index) |
cvm::real | get_atom_charge (int index) const |
cvm::rvector | get_atom_position (int index) const |
cvm::rvector | get_atom_total_force (int index) const |
void | apply_atom_force (int index, cvm::rvector const &new_force) |
cvm::rvector | get_atom_velocity (int) |
| Read the current velocity of the given atom.
std::vector< int > const * | get_atom_ids () const |
size_t | get_num_active_atoms () const |
| Return number of atoms with positive reference count.
std::vector< cvm::real > const * | get_atom_masses () const |
std::vector< cvm::real > * | modify_atom_masses () |
std::vector< cvm::real > const * | get_atom_charges () |
std::vector< cvm::real > * | modify_atom_charges () |
std::vector< cvm::rvector > const * | get_atom_positions () const |
std::vector< cvm::rvector > * | modify_atom_positions () |
std::vector< cvm::rvector > const * | get_atom_total_forces () const |
std::vector< cvm::rvector > * | modify_atom_total_forces () |
std::vector< cvm::rvector > const * | get_atom_applied_forces () const |
std::vector< cvm::rvector > * | modify_atom_applied_forces () |
void | compute_rms_atoms_applied_force () |
| Compute the root-mean-square of the applied forces.
void | compute_max_atoms_applied_force () |
| Compute the maximum norm among all applied forces.
cvm::real | rms_atoms_applied_force () const |
| Get the root-mean-square of the applied forces.
cvm::real | max_atoms_applied_force () const |
| Get the maximum norm among all applied forces.
int | max_atoms_applied_force_id () const |
| Get the atom ID with the largest applied force.
bool | modified_atom_list () const |
| Whether the atom list has been modified internally.
void | reset_modified_atom_list () |
| Reset the modified atom list flag.
bool | updated_masses () const |
| Record whether masses have been updated.
bool | updated_charges () const |
| Record whether masses have been updated.
| colvarproxy_atom_groups () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~colvarproxy_atom_groups () |
| Destructor.
int | reset () |
| Clear atom group data.
virtual int | scalable_group_coms () |
| Whether this proxy implementation has capability for scalable groups. More...
virtual int | init_atom_group (std::vector< int > const &atoms_ids) |
| Prepare this group for collective variables calculation, selecting atoms by internal ids (0-based) More...
virtual void | clear_atom_group (int index) |
| Used by the atom_group class destructor. More...
int | get_atom_group_id (int index) const |
| Get the numeric ID of the given atom group (for the MD program)
cvm::real | get_atom_group_mass (int index) const |
| Get the mass of the given atom group.
cvm::real | get_atom_group_charge (int index) const |
| Get the charge of the given atom group.
cvm::rvector | get_atom_group_com (int index) const |
| Read the current position of the center of mass given atom group.
cvm::rvector | get_atom_group_total_force (int index) const |
| Read the current total force of the given atom group.
void | apply_atom_group_force (int index, cvm::rvector const &new_force) |
| Request that this force is applied to the given atom group.
cvm::rvector | get_atom_group_velocity (int) |
| Read the current velocity of the given atom group.
std::vector< int > const * | get_atom_group_ids () const |
size_t | get_num_active_atom_groups () const |
| Return number of atom groups with positive reference count.
std::vector< cvm::real > * | modify_atom_group_masses () |
std::vector< cvm::real > * | modify_atom_group_charges () |
std::vector< cvm::rvector > * | modify_atom_group_positions () |
std::vector< cvm::rvector > * | modify_atom_group_total_forces () |
std::vector< cvm::rvector > * | modify_atom_group_applied_forces () |
void | compute_rms_atom_groups_applied_force () |
| Compute the root-mean-square of the applied forces.
void | compute_max_atom_groups_applied_force () |
| Compute the maximum norm among all applied forces.
cvm::real | rms_atom_groups_applied_force () const |
| Get the root-mean-square of the applied forces.
cvm::real | max_atom_groups_applied_force () const |
| Get the maximum norm among all applied forces.
| colvarproxy_volmaps () |
| Contructor.
virtual | ~colvarproxy_volmaps () |
| Destructor.
int | reset () |
| Clear volumetric map data.
virtual int | check_volmaps_available () |
| Test whether this implementation can use volumetric maps as CVs. More...
int | add_volmap_slot (int volmap_id) |
| Create a slot for a volumetric map not requested yet.
virtual int | init_volmap_by_id (int volmap_id) |
virtual int | init_volmap_by_name (char const *volmap_name) |
virtual int | check_volmap_by_id (int volmap_id) |
virtual int | check_volmap_by_name (char const *volmap_name) |
int | init_volmap_by_name (std::string const &volmap_name) |
| Request and prepare this volumetric map for use by Colvars.
int | check_volmap_by_name (std::string const &volmap_name) |
| Check that the given volmap name is valid (return COLVARS_OK if it is)
virtual void | clear_volmap (int index) |
| Used by the CVC destructors. More...
virtual int | get_volmap_id_from_name (char const *volmap_name) |
| Get the numeric ID of the given volumetric map (for the MD program) More...
int | get_volmap_id (int index) const |
| Get the numeric ID of the given volumetric map (for the MD program)
cvm::real | get_volmap_value (int index) const |
| Read the current value of the volumetric map.
void | apply_volmap_force (int index, cvm::real const &new_force) |
| Request that this force is applied to the given volumetric map.
virtual int | compute_volmap (int flags, int volmap_id, cvm::atom_iter atom_begin, cvm::atom_iter atom_end, cvm::real *value, cvm::real *atom_field) |
void | compute_rms_volmaps_applied_force () |
| Compute the root-mean-square of the applied forces.
void | compute_max_volmaps_applied_force () |
| Compute the maximum norm among all applied forces.
| colvarproxy_smp () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~colvarproxy_smp () |
| Destructor.
virtual int | check_smp_enabled () |
| Whether threaded parallelization is available (TODO: make this a cvm::deps feature)
virtual int | smp_colvars_loop () |
| Distribute calculation of colvars (and their components) across threads.
virtual int | smp_biases_loop () |
| Distribute calculation of biases across threads.
virtual int | smp_biases_script_loop () |
| Distribute calculation of biases across threads 2nd through last, with all scripted biased on 1st thread.
virtual int | smp_thread_id () |
| Index of this thread.
virtual int | smp_num_threads () |
| Number of threads sharing this address space.
virtual int | smp_lock () |
| Lock the proxy's shared data for access by a thread, if threads are implemented; if not implemented, does nothing.
virtual int | smp_trylock () |
| Attempt to lock the proxy's shared data.
virtual int | smp_unlock () |
| Release the lock.
| colvarproxy_replicas () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~colvarproxy_replicas () |
| Destructor.
virtual int | replica_enabled () |
| Indicate if multi-replica support is available and active. More...
virtual int | replica_index () |
| Index of this replica. More...
virtual int | num_replicas () |
| Total number of replicas. More...
virtual void | replica_comm_barrier () |
| Synchronize replica with others. More...
virtual int | replica_comm_recv (char *msg_data, int buf_len, int src_rep) |
| Receive data from other replica. More...
virtual int | replica_comm_send (char *msg_data, int msg_len, int dest_rep) |
| Send data to other replica. More...
| colvarproxy_script () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~colvarproxy_script () |
| Destructor.
virtual int | run_force_callback () |
| Run a user-defined colvar forces script. More...
virtual int | run_colvar_callback (std::string const &name, std::vector< const colvarvalue * > const &cvcs, colvarvalue &value) |
virtual int | run_colvar_gradient_callback (std::string const &name, std::vector< const colvarvalue * > const &cvcs, std::vector< cvm::matrix2d< cvm::real > > &gradient) |
| colvarproxy_tcl () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~colvarproxy_tcl () |
| Destructor.
bool | tcl_available () |
| Is Tcl available? (trigger initialization if needed)
char const * | tcl_get_str (void *obj) |
| Get a string representation of the Tcl object pointed to by obj.
int | tcl_run_script (std::string const &script) |
int | tcl_run_file (std::string const &fileName) |
int | tcl_run_force_callback () |
| Tcl implementation of run_force_callback()
int | tcl_run_colvar_callback (std::string const &name, std::vector< const colvarvalue * > const &cvcs, colvarvalue &value) |
| Tcl implementation of run_colvar_callback()
int | tcl_run_colvar_gradient_callback (std::string const &name, std::vector< const colvarvalue * > const &cvcs, std::vector< cvm::matrix2d< cvm::real > > &gradient) |
| Tcl implementation of run_colvar_gradient_callback()
Tcl_Interp * | get_tcl_interp () |
| Get a pointer to the Tcl interpreter.
void | set_tcl_interp (Tcl_Interp *interp) |
| Set the pointer to the Tcl interpreter.
virtual void | init_tcl_pointers () |
| Set Tcl pointers. More...
| colvarproxy_io () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~colvarproxy_io () |
| Destructor.
virtual bool | io_available () |
| Ensure that we're on the main thread (derived class will do actual check) More...
virtual int | get_frame (long int &) |
| Save the current frame number in the argument given. More...
virtual int | set_frame (long int) |
| Set the current frame number (as well as colvarmodule::it) More...
virtual int | backup_file (char const *filename) |
| Rename the given file, before overwriting it. More...
int | backup_file (std::string const &filename) |
| Rename the given file, before overwriting it.
virtual int | remove_file (char const *filename) |
| Remove the given file (on Windows only, rename to filename.old)
int | remove_file (std::string const &filename) |
| Remove the given file (on Windows only, rename to filename.old)
virtual int | rename_file (char const *filename, char const *newfilename) |
| Rename the given file.
int | rename_file (std::string const &filename, std::string const &newfilename) |
| Rename the given file.
std::string const & | input_prefix () const |
| Prefix of the input state file to be read next.
virtual int | set_input_prefix (std::string const &prefix) |
| Initialize input_prefix (NOTE: it will be erased after state file is read)
std::string const & | output_prefix () const |
| Default prefix to be used for all output files (final configuration)
virtual int | set_output_prefix (std::string const &prefix) |
| Set default output prefix.
std::string const & | restart_output_prefix () const |
| Prefix of the restart (checkpoint) file to be written next.
virtual int | set_restart_output_prefix (std::string const &prefix) |
| Set default restart state file prefix.
int | default_restart_frequency () const |
| Default restart frequency (as set by the simulation engine)
virtual int | set_default_restart_frequency (int freq) |
| Communicate/set the restart frequency of the simulation engine.
std::istream & | input_stream (std::string const &input_name, std::string const description="file/channel", bool error_on_fail=true) |
std::istream & | input_stream_from_string (std::string const &input_name, std::string const &content, std::string const description="string") |
bool | input_stream_exists (std::string const &input_name) |
| Check if the file/channel is open (without opening it if not)
int | close_input_stream (std::string const &input_name) |
| Closes the given input stream.
int | close_input_streams () |
| Closes all input streams.
int | delete_input_stream (std::string const &input_name) |
| Same as close_input_stream(), but also removes the corresponding entry from memory.
std::list< std::string > | list_input_stream_names () const |
| List all input streams that were opened at some point.
virtual std::ostream & | output_stream (std::string const &output_name, std::string const description) |
virtual bool | output_stream_exists (std::string const &output_name) |
| Check if the file/channel is open (without opening it if not)
virtual int | flush_output_stream (std::string const &output_name) |
| Flushes the given output file/channel. More...
virtual int | flush_output_streams () |
| Flushes all output files/channels. More...
virtual int | close_output_stream (std::string const &output_name) |
| Closes the given output file/channel. More...
virtual int | close_output_streams () |
| Close all open files/channels to prevent data loss. More...
std::vector< int > | atoms_map |
| Array of atom indices (relative to the colvarproxy arrays), usedfor faster copy of atomic data.
SimParameters * | simparams |
| Pointer to the NAMD simulation input object.
Random | random |
| NAMD-style PRNG object.
bool | first_timestep |
cvm::step_number | previous_NAMD_step |
SubmitReduction * | reduction |
| Used to submit restraint energy as MISC.
bool | accelMDOn |
| Accelerated MD reweighting factor.
cvm::real | amd_weight_factor |
bool | engine_ready_ |
| Whether the engine allows to fully initialize Colvars immediately.
std::string | error_output |
| Collected error messages.
bool | b_simulation_running |
| Whether a simulation is running (warn against irrecovarable errors)
bool | b_simulation_continuing |
bool | b_delete_requested |
| Whether the entire module should be deallocated by the host engine.
int | version_int |
| Integer representing the version string (allows comparisons)
size_t | features_hash |
| Track which features have been acknowledged during the last run.
std::string | engine_name_ = "standalone" |
| Name of the simulation engine that the derived proxy object supports.
void * | config_queue_ |
| Queue of config strings or files to be fed to the module.
cvm::real | cached_alch_lambda |
| Next value of lambda to be sent to back-end.
bool | cached_alch_lambda_changed |
| Whether lambda has been set and needs to be updated in backend.
cvm::real | boltzmann_ |
| Boltzmann constant in internal Colvars units.
cvm::real | target_temperature_ |
| Most up to date target temperature (K units); default to 0.0 if undefined.
double | timestep_ |
| Current integration timestep (engine units); default to 1.0 if undefined.
cvm::real | angstrom_value_ |
| Value of 1 Angstrom in the internal (front-end) Colvars unit for atomic coordinates. More...
cvm::real | kcal_mol_value_ |
| Value of 1 kcal/mol in the internal Colvars unit for energy.
bool | total_force_requested |
| Whether the total forces have been requested.
Boundaries_type | boundaries_type |
| Type of boundary conditions.
cvm::rvector | unit_cell_x |
| Bravais lattice vectors.
cvm::rvector | unit_cell_y |
cvm::rvector | unit_cell_z |
cvm::rvector | reciprocal_cell_x |
| Reciprocal lattice vectors.
cvm::rvector | reciprocal_cell_y |
cvm::rvector | reciprocal_cell_z |
std::vector< int > | atoms_ids |
| Array of 0-based integers used to uniquely associate atoms within the host program.
std::vector< size_t > | atoms_refcount |
| Keep track of how many times each atom is used by a separate colvar object.
std::vector< cvm::real > | atoms_masses |
| Masses of the atoms (allow redefinition during a run, as done e.g. in LAMMPS)
std::vector< cvm::real > | atoms_charges |
| Charges of the atoms (allow redefinition during a run, as done e.g. in LAMMPS)
std::vector< cvm::rvector > | atoms_positions |
| Current three-dimensional positions of the atoms.
std::vector< cvm::rvector > | atoms_total_forces |
| Most recent total forces on each atom.
std::vector< cvm::rvector > | atoms_new_colvar_forces |
| Forces applied from colvars, to be communicated to the MD integrator.
cvm::real | atoms_rms_applied_force_ |
| Root-mean-square of the applied forces.
cvm::real | atoms_max_applied_force_ |
| Maximum norm among all applied forces.
int | atoms_max_applied_force_id_ |
| ID of the atom with the maximum norm among all applied forces.
bool | modified_atom_list_ |
| Whether the atom list has been modified internally.
bool | updated_masses_ |
| Whether the masses and charges have been updated from the host code.
bool | updated_charges_ |
std::vector< int > | atom_groups_ids |
| Array of 0-based integers used to uniquely associate atom groups within the host program.
std::vector< size_t > | atom_groups_refcount |
| Keep track of how many times each group is used by a separate cvc.
std::vector< cvm::real > | atom_groups_masses |
| Total masses of the atom groups.
std::vector< cvm::real > | atom_groups_charges |
| Total charges of the atom groups (allow redefinition during a run, as done e.g. in LAMMPS)
std::vector< cvm::rvector > | atom_groups_coms |
| Current centers of mass of the atom groups.
std::vector< cvm::rvector > | atom_groups_total_forces |
| Most recently updated total forces on the com of each group.
std::vector< cvm::rvector > | atom_groups_new_colvar_forces |
| Forces applied from colvars, to be communicated to the MD integrator.
cvm::real | atom_groups_rms_applied_force_ |
| Root-mean-square of the applied group forces.
cvm::real | atom_groups_max_applied_force_ |
| Maximum norm among all applied group forces.
std::vector< int > | volmaps_ids |
| Array of numeric IDs of volumetric maps.
std::vector< size_t > | volmaps_refcount |
| Keep track of how many times each vol map is used by a separate colvar object.
std::vector< cvm::real > | volmaps_values |
| Current values of the vol maps.
std::vector< cvm::real > | volmaps_new_colvar_forces |
| Forces applied from colvars, to be communicated to the MD integrator.
cvm::real | volmaps_rms_applied_force_ |
| Root-mean-square of the the applied forces.
cvm::real | volmaps_max_applied_force_ |
| Maximum norm among all applied forces.
omp_lock_t * | omp_lock_state |
| Lock state for OpenMP.
Tcl_Interp * | tcl_interp_ |
| Pointer to Tcl interpreter object.
std::string | input_prefix_str |
| Prefix of the input state file to be read next.
std::string | output_prefix_str |
| Default prefix to be used for all output files (final configuration)
std::string | restart_output_prefix_str |
| Prefix of the restart (checkpoint) file to be written next.
int | restart_frequency_engine |
| How often the simulation engine will write its own restart.
std::map< std::string, std::istream * > | input_streams_ |
| Container of input files/channels indexed by path name.
std::istream * | input_stream_error_ |
| Object whose reference is returned when read errors occur.
std::map< std::string, std::ostream * > | output_streams_ |
| Currently open output files/channels.
std::ostream * | output_stream_error_ |
| Object whose reference is returned when write errors occur.